Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ok, On That Note I've Had Enough for Today


Mr roT said...

First time?


Tecumseh said...

The Obama administration has all but surrendered to al-Qaeda with these releases. If the murderer of an American UN worker and a participant in the USS Cole bombing can get set free, then who would Obama keep in custody? The administration is rapidly making membership in al-Qaeda and participation in terrorism against the US a no-risk proposition.

Pepe ululates.

Pepe le Pew said...

Well, he is going into rehab. Doesn't sitting through endless 12-step programs count for something ?

Pepe le Pew said...

- Hello, my name is Pepe and I'm a terrorist
- (all in one voice) Hello Pepe
i'll take guantanamo over that.

Mr roT said...

Hello Pepe, I'll take it up the ass a couple times if I can live in Bermuda for free.

Rum drinks pour tout le monde!

Arelcao Akleos said...

Since you monopolized Kayla all to yourself