When things aren't going his way, the Angry White Liberal wails and gnashes his teeth, rends his garments, and hurls invective at the opposition. .. Dissent is anathema. Antagonism is illegitimate. Only conformity to prevailing liberal opinion is enough to still his rage. Your meds, Pepe, your meds.
Resistance to the Democrats' plans, Krugman continued, amounts to an "outpouring of hate," the result of "the paranoia of a significant minority of Americans and the cynical willingness of leading Republicans to cater to that paranoia."
Time magazine columnist Joe Klein wrote that, "to be sure, there are honorable conservatives, trying to do the right thing"--thanks, Joe!--but the typical opponent of health reform is a "nihilist" and a "hypocrite" exploiting "cynicism about government" in a "disinformation jihad" aimed at the "tight, white, extremist bubble" that is the GOP.
Keep diggin', says Pepe.
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