Thursday, August 20, 2009

Crónica de una muerte anunciada


Arelcao Akleos said...

Yeah, but I wouldn't bet it will be Obama's just yet.

Tecumseh said...

The Spell is Broken. Cap-and-trade, the mega-deficits, the apology tours, and the sleaze of some appointments and congressional grandees (cf. Rangel, Dodd, Murtha, etc.) were stimulants, but not in themselves enough to awaken the somnolent American people from their collective trance. Yet health care was like a shot of adrenaline that jolted the patient out of his slumber. Suddenly hope and change no longer worked like the swinging watch and “you’re getting sleepy” lingo. Voters are feeling they’ve been “had” and were mesmerized into being used for an extremist agenda.

Funny. But, pray thee, what would take to wake Pepe up from his trance?

Tecumseh said...

Sound advice from VDH: Obama should concentrate on debt, debt, and more debt. He could freeze federal spending at 2% per annum, and get into the black in two-three years, given his income tax hikes. He could pacify the Left with, “I’d love to pursue our socialist agenda, but we are going broke and cannot right now.” Instead of cap-and-trade, he could allot a few feminist, green and gay ambassadorships that would not impact the federal treasury.

I'll take that, if that's what it takes.

Pepe le Pew said...

pass this bill and 40 million uninsured voters are sure to support obie-one. that's not what i call political death.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Pass this bill and millions of americans will be condemned to that sort of health care Cook County and the VA Hospitals were/are famous for. They will beg for the hemlock before they even see the docs. And for Pew, this prospect, one of endless Death Panels making sure Ricains die, die, die...well, he loves it.

Tecumseh said...

Vichy licking his chops at the prospect of death panels for the boomers.

Tecumseh said...

Muted voices from pinko nirvana: after 15 years suffering from the failings of the National Health Service we are prepared for almost any ineptitude. Of course, everyone loves the NHS now. It is officially sacrosanct. Our doctors are deities, our health care the envy of the world. And anyone who says anything different is an unpatriotic schmuck who should go and join those losers in the United States.

Mr roT said...

drudge had a report from Canada that their NHS is going down da tubes too.

But how to blame this all on Bush?

I think it's global warming that is behind all these problems.

Tecumseh said...

Ah, I like that. The IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT!! mantra is getting a little tired. Pinkdom needs fresh stuff to blame it all on. Gorebal warming sounds picture perfect. Though I read recently that average global temp has been dropping for the past 10 years. Which is why the new PC lingo is "Climate change", which can be used as a club no matter what the derivative is (unless it's equal to 0, but what are the chances of that happening, on the nose, for any period of time longer than a few days?)

Mr roT said...

As if that mattered. It's Bush.