Friday, August 28, 2009

Even Mary Jo mourns


Tecumseh said...

Flags are at half mast.

Tecumseh said...

Understatement of the week: Mr. Goldman attributed the weakness in the health-care sector to the fact that Congress will soon reconvene. "Given the debate that remains in Congress, investors may be using that to pull back a bit in their commitments to health care. That's an area you might not want to be too exposed to."

You don't say. Buy, Pepe, buy!

Tecumseh said...

Back to that HuffPo posting:

Of all the millions of words, tens of thousands of articles, blog posts, and other scribblings by liberals over the death of Ted Kennedy, this may be the most amazingly shallow, myopic, and ultimately self centered sentence ever written.

But it does highlight the liberal mindset quite well, don't you think? To left wing fanatics like Lafsky, human life does not belong to the individual, but to the higher cause of the collective good. For Lafsky, of course Kopechne would, if she had a crystal ball and been able to see the future, have sacrificed herself on the altar of social "progress" rather than live a full life filled with friends, family, kids, and a fulfilling career.

Tecumseh said...

Such a barrel of fun.

Mr roT said...
