Presumption is false. The prayer was for long health so as not to put one's fate in a Pepean Death Panel. The Pledge of Allegiance was a respectful nod to the traditions of AmeriSoc: a version of giving unto Obamkles' what is Obamakles'. Of course, a false presumption can only do wonders for the validity of whatever Vichyesque conclusion Le Pew wishes to spew out.
I can't say "kept up". More like, having kissed the sweet dry ground, now far from mountains which melt into the sea, I looked up to see AmeriSoc ready to lovingly stomp its boot on my face.
Did I read correctly that Obamkles has been bussing in cadres of uniformed Union/Acorn "activists" to bring a certain, ah, order, to his public talks? That there is video of them beating up critics of Obama, including one incident in St. Louis where a guy was left crippled? Has this really been happening?
The meeting started with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Presumably to dispel any notion that an intelligent argument is to follow ?
more intelligent arguments.
Presumption is false. The prayer was for long health so as not to put one's fate in a Pepean Death Panel. The Pledge of Allegiance was a respectful nod to the traditions of AmeriSoc: a version of giving unto Obamkles' what is Obamakles'.
Of course, a false presumption can only do wonders for the validity of whatever Vichyesque conclusion Le Pew wishes to spew out.
Welcome back, AA -- glad to see you were not swept down river. Have you kept up with the sturm und drang back home?
I can't say "kept up".
More like, having kissed the sweet dry ground, now far from mountains which melt into the sea, I looked up to see AmeriSoc ready to lovingly stomp its boot on my face.
Did I read correctly that Obamkles has been bussing in cadres of uniformed Union/Acorn "activists" to bring a certain, ah, order, to his public talks? That there is video of them beating up critics of Obama, including one incident in St. Louis where a guy was left crippled? Has this really been happening?
Yep. Toto, you're not in Kansas anymore.
Cheap CNN tricks.
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