Thursday, August 20, 2009

Keep diggin', and diggin', and diggin'

Says Pepe's alter-ego: I agree with Professor Skocpol - “Democrats would be better off to go down fighting for real reform.” I would add that, the Democrats should go all out and ask for Single Payer plan and thus eliminate all private health insurance companies. — Jaque


Tecumseh said...

Pepe rails against the VRWC: President Obama’s only mistake is being President of a country full of people who watch — and believe — the utter propaganda brought to you by Fox News and the health insurance mega-corporations. — Ethan

Mr roT said...

Actually, James Carville suggested 'letting the GOP' kill health care reform' so it can be blamed on them.

Seems tough to pull off if the Dems have control of Congress.

Tecumseh said...

How about trying IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT!!!!!? It always works.