What gibberish, Le Pew. The victims not being "invaders" never stopped you from ululating before. Nor did you ululate when certain invaders got clobbered, such as when Frogs got zapped in Kandahar, Farsicles got broiled in Iraq, or IM gents got emulsified in bids to clobber infidels and apostates all over the goddamn map. That never brought you cheer. And you have certainly been cheered before by Iraquis getting stomped on by your anti-ricain budniks. Giddily so. But then Pepe is to Hypocrisy as Michael Moore is to Girth
I dunno, AA -- the depths of Pepean "logic" are hard to fathom. My hunch is that the pinko mind is compartmentalized, and functions in tortuous ways. When thinking of something having to do with AmeriSoc, then US is good. Otherwise, it's all G_d damn Amerikkka. Now, where does it leave Pepe when he thinks of Obama at the helm in Iraq and Afghanistan? Deeply conflicted, probably. But the knee-jerk reaction must still be (Binnie boyz set Molotov cocktails) ==> (ululate). Anti-Americanism is too much ingrained in the pinko mind.
The mirror image, Le Pew, would then be "It's all Goddamn Amerikkka, otherwise when thinking of something having to do with AmeriSoc, then the US is good". Not quite the Left to Right you seem to have in mind.
And Pepe ululates.
like, al-Duh.
ululate for what - none of the victims are invaders.
What gibberish, Le Pew. The victims not being "invaders" never stopped you from ululating before. Nor did you ululate when certain invaders got clobbered, such as when Frogs got zapped in Kandahar, Farsicles got broiled in Iraq, or IM gents got emulsified in bids to clobber infidels and apostates all over the goddamn map. That never brought you cheer. And you have certainly been cheered before by Iraquis getting stomped on by your anti-ricain budniks. Giddily so.
But then Pepe is to Hypocrisy as Michael Moore is to Girth
Oh, Duh. It's now Obamakles' AmeriSoc'ers in charge. It's now a good war for Le Pew.
I dunno, AA -- the depths of Pepean "logic" are hard to fathom. My hunch is that the pinko mind is compartmentalized, and functions in tortuous ways. When thinking of something having to do with AmeriSoc, then US is good. Otherwise, it's all G_d damn Amerikkka. Now, where does it leave Pepe when he thinks of Obama at the helm in Iraq and Afghanistan? Deeply conflicted, probably. But the knee-jerk reaction must still be (Binnie boyz set Molotov cocktails) ==> (ululate). Anti-Americanism is too much ingrained in the pinko mind.
If you die, you were guilty.
When thinking of something having to do with AmeriSoc, then US is good. Otherwise, it's all G_d damn Amerikkka.
You are describing the mirror image of your "thought process" here, tecs.
The mirror image, Le Pew, would then be "It's all Goddamn Amerikkka, otherwise when thinking of something having to do with AmeriSoc, then the US is good". Not quite the Left to Right you seem to have in mind.
Pepean logic cannot grasps syllogisms. It just can't.
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