Ah, the One Party State, from Berkeley to Chicago to Detroit to Boston [to Nawlins, Gary, Philadelphia, Baltimore, East St Louis, Milwaukee, Portland, Providence..........and on and on] it has done its cancerous bit for Planet Pepe. Metastasis is so fargone it's hardly a wonder that now the nation is starting to look as healthy as Ted Kennedy: in body and in mind.
Ah, the One Party State, from Berkeley to Chicago to Detroit to Boston [to Nawlins, Gary, Philadelphia, Baltimore, East St Louis, Milwaukee, Portland, Providence..........and on and on] it has done its cancerous bit for Planet Pepe. Metastasis is so fargone it's hardly a wonder that now the nation is starting to look as healthy as Ted Kennedy: in body and in mind.
According to Buffet, we should go with "Banana Republic".
Mostly true. But, in this particular aspect (of the Kennedy hereditary dynasty), it's closer to Versailles. The Versaillist Commonwealth, perhaps?
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