Friday, August 28, 2009

Well, Duh.... to follow the Party Line you gotta follow the Party Line

Samizdat is soooo Neokkkon

Da Joke's On You


Mr roT said...

Why don't you answer email? Too neo-con?

Arelcao Akleos said...

I've got to read e-mail before I can answer it.
Well, in principle.

Mr roT said...

You? Principles? Jesus... Now I've heard everything.

Tecumseh said...

Says Dick Morris: "It's the ultimate act of chutzpah because ABC is the network that turned itself over completely to Obama for a daylong propaganda fest about health care reform." Long live pinko propaganda!

Mr roT said...

What's NBC's excuse?

Tecumseh said...

ABC at least is in in-your-face mode: we follow da Party Line and that's it; got a problem with dat? NBC is trying to waffle and rationalize. Pathetic. At any rate, I never watch these channels, so why would I care?