Saturday, September 05, 2009

I trust Obama. He went to Harvard.

Even hard-boiled UN correspondents were surprised. Rice was asked to explain how the recent capture by the United Arab Emirates of containers of ammunition en route to Iran from North Korea could be construed as “uneventful and routine.” Her answer highlights the administration’s delinquency: “We are simply receiving . . . a regularly scheduled update . . . This is not an opportunity to review or revisit the nature of either of those regimes.”


Tecumseh said...

The problem is that this feel-good experience will feel best of all to Iran, which has interpreted Obama’s penchant for form over substance to be a critical weakness. As a Tehran newspaper close to the regime snickered in July: “Their strategy consists of begging us to talk with them.”

Quintessentially Pepean strategy.

Mr roT said...

The Teheran paper is pretty good. They got the picture a lot better than the NYT. I guess we should learn Farsi.

Oh, wait. We will be soon enough.

Arelcao Akleos said...

At least it's easier to say than that damn donkey speak Arabic.