Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Oh, the shame of it all!

Houston gets to pick all the Supreme Court justices from now on, while Nurse Obama tries to ban Coke. (Not the kind he used to snort, but the kind kids like to drink.)


Tecumseh said...

Oil news is good. Go Houston!

Coke is basically junk -- I drink it from time to time, but really, you're better off drinking tap water. What's wrong with that? That's what I used to drink when I was a kid, all the time. And it's free. Which makes it even better tasting.

Mr roT said...

The freedom to drink what you want without Dr Nanny looking over your shoulder is better.

Tecumseh said...

I fully agree. Involving the Nanny State into regulating soft drinks is ludicrous. It's a matter of free choice: if you know what's good for you, you don't gorge on sugary, junky drinks. Duhhh. Why would you need Dr Pepe (or Pepper) telling you that?