Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Paleocon bloviator urges tossing the towel

Tecs will likely say this is the flipside of Bush derangement syndrome, but I think Will makes sense. With our current CiC, we have Khaddafi, Chavez, Ahmadinejad, and Putin (at least) running rings around us. Afghanistan is a tricky war to pull off and Cheapo Africanus hasn't got a chance to win it with his one talent, blathering on about "Change." Maybe better to cut our losses and wait till we have a competent government, picking cherries with drones and small special forces bands till that time.


Tecumseh said...

Thanks for the executive summary, Mr Rot -- I no longer have the patience to read through Georgie's orotund bloviating prose. But what you say makes some weird kind of sense.

BTW, what does Ralph Peters say? He can be a total prick at times, but when it comes to military matters, especially shitty little wars in hellholes at the end of the Earth, he knows his stuff.

Mr roT said...

Good point about Peters. I'll look around.

Mr roT said...

An oldie but dummie...

By George F. Will
Nov. 6, 2006 issue

Many months ago it became obvious to all but the most ideologically blinkered that America is losing the war launched to deal with a chimeric problem (an arsenal of WMD) and to achieve a delusory goal (a democracy that would inspire emulation, transforming the region). Last week the president retired his mantra "stay the course" because it does not do justice to the nimbleness and subtlety of U.S. tactics for winning the war.

A surreal and ultimately disgusting facet of the Iraq fiasco is the lag between when a fact becomes obvious and when the fiasco's architects acknowledge that fact. Iraq's civil war has been raging for more than a year; so has the Washington debate about whether it is what it is.

Mr roT said...

Failure of the Will.

Where's Leni when you need her?

Mr roT said...

Ramesh is wrong, as usual.

There's nothing wrong with changing your mind. The problem is being shown wrong in the case of Iraq and now trying again.

Will is bullshit as he always has been and should be ignored.

That said, Afgh is being run wrong and we should go back to what W was doing.

Tecumseh said...

George Will was OK around 1980-1982. He's been going downhill ever since.

Mr roT said...

Long slope...