Sunday, September 06, 2009

The search for the real killers


Mr roT said...

Hölder will get to the bottom of all this, Tecs. Don't you worry. He's a national treasure, a lot like VJ.

Tecumseh said...

But he went to Columbia, not Yale. You need to revise your estimates, Mr Rot.

Mr roT said...

Hölder went to Columbia? Why, that's too good to be true!

Mr roT said...

BTW, Tecs. It's Hölder because he's all about inequality.

Tecumseh said...

Clicking on wiki is not rocket science, Mr Rot. Yes, good ole' Eric Himpton Hölder went to Columbia, both as an undergrad, and for a Law degree. Seethe, Rot, seethe!

Mr roT said...

I'm not seething. It's proof it's a crappy place.
