Saturday, September 05, 2009

VJ goes full hog Pepe

Van Jones says: This is now a global struggle against a U.S.-led security apparatus and military agenda that impacts people here, it impacts people around the world.

Twitter feed on the sayings of Czar Jones.

Pepe starts a new website to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with his hero: Sadly, the Obama administration appears to be wavering in its support of Jones. This is not acceptable. A decision to throw one of their most charismatic communicators under the bus in a vein attempt to placate a racist witch-hunt would be both foolish and ineffective. Van Jones is exactly the type of principled and effective leader we need more of in government -- not less. President Obama should make a strong public statement as soon as possible, reiterating his full support for green jobs advisor Van Jones.

Right-o! Go for it. But wait, I have a bet with Mr Rot about VJ being thrown under the bus. Rats! I'm conflicted now.


Mr roT said...

...and he's in the WH.

You laughed, but I said letting this scumbag in was leading a fifth column straight into the WH.

You said, no, no, no. McCain is a jerk. He broke the economy. Let's give O a chance. He's flexible. The flipside of Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Farteed Zacharia says he'll be even better than Jimmah.

Well, here you are, Tecs. The turds have come home to roost. Right in the WH.

Congratulations, Tecs.

Mr roT said...

...oh, I forgot to mention that you made a big deal about Zacharia and Romney going to Harvard.

Powww. Where's my VCP?

Mr roT said...

The shitvanjones tweet is lovely.

Tecumseh said...


Mr roT said...

You got it, Emmanuelle!

Mr roT said...

Hey wait!! What's our bet? I don't think Van Jones will be around much longer but I wish wish wish he'd be the new spokescommie.

"I said Green jobs! Not White jobs, asshole!"

Whoa! Would be fun, if only Barack had some balls and wouldn't throw this guy in the bus like granny, the good Rev.,...

Tecumseh said...

Reading is essential, Mr Rot. Too late now, I'm taking my bet off the table. After reading all this crap, I'm rooting for VJ to stay on as long as he wants. He's such a perfect pitchman for AmeriSoc.

Mr roT said...

Maybe Biden will get sick and we can have Vice President Van Jones!!

Whoa! Rev Wright, pack yo bags and come to da capituul!

Tecumseh said...

More: Jones said that he came out of jail after the Rodney King riots and "spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary...I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th," Jones said. "By August, I was a communist."

In the same interview Jones explained how he changed his public image Alinsky-style but retained his core radical beliefs. "I'm willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends."

If this is not a Pepean GUT, I don't know what is. (Well, OK, roasting Renaults are missing, but hey, you can't have it all.)

Mr roT said...

Yeah.... so why the hell isn't Van Jones roasting Renaults? I smell a neocon rat!