Sunday, January 31, 2010
Teoría de la gran unificación de Pepea
The Red-Brown alliance is alive and kicking.
kissing commie butt,
PP in the Cloaca,
Vichy's Reich
Dismal science
The White House will predict a $1.6 trillion U.S. budget deficit in the 2010 fiscal year, a fresh record and the biggest since World War Two as a share of the economy. Swell, just swell.
Like a slap in the face with a wet, semi-frozen flounder
So what? Don't let it bother you. Keep diggin', says Pepe.
Perils of slingshot fire hoses
Life is just too damn full of dangers lurking behind every corner. Especially in those Cantabrigian pseudo-squares.
Fire Fly,
Grins the Grim Reaper,
shit happens
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Pissin' up a rope
Pepean Logik can't be challenged. It is what it is. Throwing Cartesian logic at it is futile.
Friday, January 29, 2010
VCP for Tecs

HuffPo gets around to reporting and comment on this.
REGURGE: Obama going back to dumb policy? (This article was posted before the other HuffPo one)
Halfhearted Holocausters,
pinko justice
Thursday, January 28, 2010
37 Years Later

It would be happier if Penelope was there, waiting with love, to make it easier to face a world gone to dogs. But it is still my Ithaca.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Memo to Wall St.: You get what you pay for!
How much money did these idiots shovel into 0bawa's campaign coffers? Schmucks.
This is so over the top
that I don't know what to say. Either Charles the lizardfucker has a point about Geller or it's time to give up on the USA for a coupla generations.
Barone wearing rose glasses
There's no way that an electorate as dumb as the Obamagirl are going to get the message and turn this around so completely. I also think it would be unwise to be so "smart".
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Disquisitiones on the shysterly implications of E=mc^2
"This is someone who in law school worked with [Harvard professor] Larry Tribe on a paper on the legal implications of Einstein's theory of relativity," said senior adviser David M. Axelrod. "He does have an incisive mind; that mind is always put to use in pursuit of tangible things that are going to improve people's lives."
Why do you try to get out of teaching all the time, Tecs?
"In the 1950s by when Oppenheimer had become the IAS's third director, the Nobel laureate Feynman turned down a professorship at the institute. In his engaging and ungrammatical style, he was more convincing than Oppenheimer in explaining why. Said Feynman:
"When I was at Princeton in the 1940's I can see what happened to those great minds at the Institute for Advanced Study, who had been specially selected for their tremendous brains and were now given this opportunity to sit in this lovely house by the woods there, with no classes to teach, with no obligations whatsoever. These poor bastards could now sit and think clearly all by themselves. Okay? So they don't get an idea for a while. They have every opportunity to do something and they are not getting any ideas. I believe that in a situation like this a kind of guilt or depression worms inside of you, and you begin to worry about not getting any ideas. and nothing happens. Still no ideas come.
"Feynman said that in his own infertile periods his students jerked his mind toward a problem by asking questions in the neighborhood of that problem. It's not so easy to remind yourself of these things. I find that teaching and the students keep life going and I would never accept any position in which somebody had invented a happy situation for me where I don't have to teach. Never."
"When I was at Princeton in the 1940's I can see what happened to those great minds at the Institute for Advanced Study, who had been specially selected for their tremendous brains and were now given this opportunity to sit in this lovely house by the woods there, with no classes to teach, with no obligations whatsoever. These poor bastards could now sit and think clearly all by themselves. Okay? So they don't get an idea for a while. They have every opportunity to do something and they are not getting any ideas. I believe that in a situation like this a kind of guilt or depression worms inside of you, and you begin to worry about not getting any ideas. and nothing happens. Still no ideas come.
"Feynman said that in his own infertile periods his students jerked his mind toward a problem by asking questions in the neighborhood of that problem. It's not so easy to remind yourself of these things. I find that teaching and the students keep life going and I would never accept any position in which somebody had invented a happy situation for me where I don't have to teach. Never."
What the hell?
I prefer Bayh to this Indiana Ron Paul. This sucks. Giuliani and now this. On second thought, I guess he wants to be Speaker of the House and thinks he has a choice come January or in 3 years.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Hey brilliant Tecs and AA
Make some money explaining to K-Lo why it makes sense to pull for Kerry when you're a seething righty!
Hint: Start with "No, no, no, it's nothing like voting for Brown because you want more HC"R" coming from Obamarama!"
Hint: Start with "No, no, no, it's nothing like voting for Brown because you want more HC"R" coming from Obamarama!"
Serpenthead pontificates from the Seychelles

Sunday, January 24, 2010
A different kind of Manchurian Candidate
All of this represents the best prescription I can imagine for wrecking a presidency, and Obama has followed it with exacting precision. Indeed, doing so would appear to be his only real passion. It's almost as if he were a Republican sleeper politician in some party politics version of the Manchurian Candidate, planted to arise on cue and destroy the Democratic Party from within.
And I thought we were too rough on Obamakles!
By the way, the comments section is a riot.
Noemie Emery is comparatively kind.
The irony is that the pundits urging their party to defy the widely verified will of the people also want to make war on the rules of the Senate: for [the purpose of] thwarting the popular will.
And I thought we were too rough on Obamakles!
By the way, the comments section is a riot.
Noemie Emery is comparatively kind.
The irony is that the pundits urging their party to defy the widely verified will of the people also want to make war on the rules of the Senate: for [the purpose of] thwarting the popular will.
Money down the drain
Don Henley gave $9,600 to Coakley? Oh, man, is this where the royalties for Hotel California are going?
AA and Tecs a year into Kerry's presidency
The unbearable lightness of obsequious sycophancy
Pay up, AA!
Indosserà soltanto un casco e una speciale tuta pressurizzata per superare il muro del suono
Twenty years after the bet, and you lose. Now if only I could remember what we bet. Let's make it a Jeroboam, goddammit, and you can forget the interest accrued!
Queen's English version.
Twenty years after the bet, and you lose. Now if only I could remember what we bet. Let's make it a Jeroboam, goddammit, and you can forget the interest accrued!
Queen's English version.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Bitter is the pill for Kerry
Brown, the 41st vote against Obamacare, is suddenly the dominating political figure in Massachusetts. It was not supposed to be this way. Kerry was supposed to mentor newly elected Sen. Coakley when she came to Washington. Kerry was going to turn her into some sort of Kerryette, a sort of Kerry intern, learning the ropes at the feet of the master. Did not happen. It is Scott Brown the national media is gushing about now, not Kerry. That hurts. Ouchhh...
Jean-Francois Kerry,
Life is a bitch
The Long View of the Nation

On this debacle don't go Mental.
Obamakles is all Cool and Steady,
Of Choreography Planned and ever Ready,
with Idea and Practice sharp and Heady.
From the unexpected Massachusetts Way
Wrecklers may have their little Day,
But Long Run, Komrads, they will Pay.
It's all in the Plan, Komrads, all in the plan.
Just the Lead Role in "The Taming of the Shrew"
Gotta love that Fusion Qommedia: a little bit Shakespeare, a touch of Snickers Defense, a heap of Sharia. If only Johnny Cochrane was around to do his lawyering.
A madoff world,
A Mixed Bag,
Fards For Allah,
You don't say
Not Gergen, but Plouffe
Kaus is a genius, eh?
What do presidents do when they should fire themselves? They fire their advisers and bring in a new crew. That's what may happen here. I'd guess we're about 36 hours away from a Beltway call for "wise men." ... If it wasn't for his role in the Massachusetts Senate debate, I'd say we're a week away from David Gergen's touchdown at Reagan National.
Ezra Klein thinks Massachusetts voters are too stoopid to know what they're voting for or against. OK, dude! You Dems keep pushing, and the voters will keep pulling (levers till you're all gone).
What do presidents do when they should fire themselves? They fire their advisers and bring in a new crew. That's what may happen here. I'd guess we're about 36 hours away from a Beltway call for "wise men." ... If it wasn't for his role in the Massachusetts Senate debate, I'd say we're a week away from David Gergen's touchdown at Reagan National.
Ezra Klein thinks Massachusetts voters are too stoopid to know what they're voting for or against. OK, dude! You Dems keep pushing, and the voters will keep pulling (levers till you're all gone).
It Had to Happen: LGF's Downfall
The sequel is pretty good also. Nice couple of last lines. Cry Me a River Charles
Steyn Loses the Humor when its Merda Time

By the way, that report on Fort Hood is a pathetic pile of crap. But I'm still hoping it was just a craven gesture of PC for "the public", and that the internal, confidential, reports are clear headed. It is terrible that they try to lie to us, but craven coverups we do have a history of. However, if they are lying to themselves then our generals have turned the military into a useless sack of shit-- a leviathan with the head of a gerbil.
So, I'm hoping it's not so.
Those crafty and vicious Republicans who use their secret mind control machines
.. are a pain in the butt.
Drink milk, Herr Rot
Or else, you'll become bow-legged, after all this time spent glued to a computer screen. Also, this may lead to wrist pain.
[Illus. --rot]
[Illus. --rot]
An Interesting Life
Perhaps the most interesting being that never told.
The Brits sure could have used someone like him in this present era [Heck, so could've we].
The Brits sure could have used someone like him in this present era [Heck, so could've we].
Friday, January 22, 2010
Jonah Goldberg? Interesting? Funny?
Someone screwed up a byline. Goldberg's talking about zombies or something idiotic 24/7.
Lysenko follies
The IPCC’s 2007 report, which won it the Nobel Peace Prize, said that the probability of Himalayan glaciers “disappearing by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner is very high”. But it emerged last week that the forecast was based not on a consensus among climate change experts, but on a media interview with a single Indian glaciologist in 1999. Shocka!
Stewart guts Olby
...a Massachusetts Republican is still considered like a gay Democrat in other parts of the country.
Best title.
Best title.
Back to propeller-driven planes?

Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Peasants Won't Listen, da Stinkers.
How could you possibly go bankrupt with an audience as passionate as this?:
"Since last summer, Air America has been heard in the Washington area on WZAA (1050 AM). Its audience has been so small that Arbitron, which compiles radio ratings, was unable to detect any listeners for WZAA during several weeks in December"
"Since last summer, Air America has been heard in the Washington area on WZAA (1050 AM). Its audience has been so small that Arbitron, which compiles radio ratings, was unable to detect any listeners for WZAA during several weeks in December"
Damn It, Hugo is GOOOD

Homo Habilis,
Hugo Chavez,
I am Shiva
Long, hot winter in France
Malek Saouchi? Why doesn't Le Monde name the victim? He's not français de saouchi?
Report and comments.
Report and comments.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Rosa Ortiz Takes Another Gig
That Ortiz gal gets all the plum inside jobs. Love this line:
"In the next days Senora Coakley and her campaign peoples are very excited to prepare for El Presidente and for to make the attack ads. It is very busy in the house and I am try to make sure there are enough ashtrays for El Presidente, but the attack ad people keep to ask me, "Rosa! How do you spell Massachusettes?"
So that is what happened.
"In the next days Senora Coakley and her campaign peoples are very excited to prepare for El Presidente and for to make the attack ads. It is very busy in the house and I am try to make sure there are enough ashtrays for El Presidente, but the attack ad people keep to ask me, "Rosa! How do you spell Massachusettes?"
So that is what happened.
Cheat Chad with a Coakley Gal in Lawrence

I wonder, because --unlike this time-- in the fall the Dems are going to have all the "machinery" set up well ahead of time. Just a thought as we enjoy this moment.
Another Prime Pundit
So the Literary Elite is coming up with 7, no 3, no 5,.... reasons, causes, levels, etc..... Who'll be the first to go Composite?
One, two, or three, Tecs?
You see? You can only put up three choices and they can't be so specific. You and VDH don't know from these things.
Redrum Tecumseh, The "Tingler" Is On to Us
.... Says we've done a very very bad thing. Time to run for da Border, or we fry.
Getting it backwards
More than anything, Coakley's defeat should mark the end of Obama's efforts to create a new, bipartisan political climate in Washington. If he is to avoid the fate of Bill Clinton in the midterm elections of 1994, Obama will need to embrace the populist anger now surging through the country rather than seeking to defuse it.
Epitaph for This Election Night

"And let me say this, with respect to those who wish to harm us, I believe that our Constitution and laws exist to protect this nation - they do not grant rights and privileges to enemies in wartime. In dealing with terrorists, our tax dollars should pay for weapons to stop them, not lawyers to defend them.
Raising taxes, taking over our health care, and giving new rights to terrorists is the wrong agenda for our country. What I've heard again and again on the campaign trail, is that our political leaders have grown aloof from the people, impatient with dissent, and comfortable in the back room making deals. And we can do better."
Simple, and true.
REGURGITAPH for a question in the comments. [rot]
So through the night rode Scott P. Brown
Et tu, Brute?
Barney sees the writing on the wall. While Weiner says: [when] 'pigs fly out of my ass'.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Aftermath; Brits Get It Quickly
Pow! Poww!! Powww!!! Powwww!!!!
"The leader of the free world is talking about my truck."
Quips, man, quips! This is how seething guys like Tecs and AA LOSE. Man gotta have some mvthafokn qiopz!
Quips, man, quips! This is how seething guys like Tecs and AA LOSE. Man gotta have some mvthafokn qiopz!
AA the opinion guy,
Tecs Rove Evil Genius
MFT seethes
A Whispered Conspiracy, a Confederacy of Dunces
I guess it is possible that McConnell and the Rhinos were/are nuancing themselves into that sort of sophisticated trap. But if so then they are bigger freakin' idjits than even I took them for.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Andy Sullivan sobs uncontrollably
Paddy Power throws in the towel
.. on Coakley. But, "Paddy Power has also cut the odds on the Republicans winning the 2012 presidential election from 11-10 to evens and have installed Senator Scott Brown at odds of 20-1 to win the Republican presidential nomination in 2012." Hmmm...
Freedom of Belief is Heterosexist CounterRevolutionaryism, Komrads
A despondent BosGlob
A diminished aura, eh? Er, excuse me while I laugh my ass off.
Obama's really in this: "Now, I've heard about some of the ads that Martha's opponent is running. He's driving his truck around the commonwealth, and he says that he gets you, that he fights for you, that he'll be an independent voice," said Obama. "And I don't know him, he may be a perfectly nice guy. I don't know his record, but I don't know whether he's been fighting for you up until now."
Obama's really in this: "Now, I've heard about some of the ads that Martha's opponent is running. He's driving his truck around the commonwealth, and he says that he gets you, that he fights for you, that he'll be an independent voice," said Obama. "And I don't know him, he may be a perfectly nice guy. I don't know his record, but I don't know whether he's been fighting for you up until now."
Time to buy Coakley

People are betting with their hearts. Tecs, put a couple Gs on this for me, OK?
If they're right, this is the Dems' gameplan.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
A blithering moonbat
...obsessed with Political Correctness and not much else. Hmmm... Do you guys know the type?
OK, so a girl with a GED and 1400 on the SAT plus first rate debating background gets in automatically to Columbia and she's sent to women's studies and psych. We're doomed.
Local Politics Influencing the National, and Vice Versa
More on this Hoeven business.
As well, one of my grandmothers worked in the Bank of North Dakota for Hoeven, as well as the AG, Wayne Stenehjem, and Wayne's father, Martin. This entire state is invariably socially interconnected. We have no choice.
To distill the main points: Hoeven is a good man. Perhaps the GOP Republican variation of McGovern (you know, the flip side to South Dakota).
As well, one of my grandmothers worked in the Bank of North Dakota for Hoeven, as well as the AG, Wayne Stenehjem, and Wayne's father, Martin. This entire state is invariably socially interconnected. We have no choice.
To distill the main points: Hoeven is a good man. Perhaps the GOP Republican variation of McGovern (you know, the flip side to South Dakota).
Bumped from Schilling comments
Tecs, you posted Chris Matthews' tried and true electoral strategy. Enjoy this (and the comments, as usual).
Meanwhile Lending his prestige to the Massachusetts race. Well, really now.
Meanwhile Lending his prestige to the Massachusetts race. Well, really now.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Meanwhile, on the Gorebal Warming front.
Who can manipulate da Data can? Da Scientific Mann fan!
"For E. Michael Smith .... it became clear this was not a random strange pattern he was finding, but a well designed and orchestrated manipulation process. "The more I looked, the more I found patterns of deletion that could not be accidental. Thermometers moved from cold mountains to warm beaches; from Siberian Arctic to more southerly locations and from pristine rural locations to jet airport tarmacs. The last remaining Arctic thermometer in Canada is in a place called 'The Garden Spot of the Arctic,’ always moving away from the cold and toward the heat. I could not believe it was so blatant and it clearly looked like it was in support of an agenda,” Smith says."
"For E. Michael Smith .... it became clear this was not a random strange pattern he was finding, but a well designed and orchestrated manipulation process. "The more I looked, the more I found patterns of deletion that could not be accidental. Thermometers moved from cold mountains to warm beaches; from Siberian Arctic to more southerly locations and from pristine rural locations to jet airport tarmacs. The last remaining Arctic thermometer in Canada is in a place called 'The Garden Spot of the Arctic,’ always moving away from the cold and toward the heat. I could not believe it was so blatant and it clearly looked like it was in support of an agenda,” Smith says."
Friday, January 15, 2010
A lovely collection
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Someone finally connects the dots
Of course Obama hasn't gone to Mass. He doesn't want to give another favor to the GOP like when he went to help out in VA and NJ. The only question left is whether this is Bambi in the headlights or the bad man holed up in the bunker.
Lagniappe: Throw the nuns out!
Lagniappe: Throw the nuns out!
Iowahawk: Muse of "Massachusettes" Coakley
The ads are all over the radio today; Iowahawk captures the words but he can't quite capture the tone: "Reap-uuuuglikkkans" is about it.
The Obamakleans are clearly on high gear now. Look for a repetition of the New York voting... a massive number of late "absentee ballots" appearing for Martha,...and all sorts of reason why votes from soldiers, etc..., just seem to have buncha dangonnit chadworthy problems.
I will vote, but just once. A couple of happy-sappy-tappy Red-Bulled election officers in Brookline can match a thousand of me in about 30 minutes flat.
Unless Brown gets 55%, minimum, of the actual voters he will never win it.
The Obamakleans are clearly on high gear now. Look for a repetition of the New York voting... a massive number of late "absentee ballots" appearing for Martha,...and all sorts of reason why votes from soldiers, etc..., just seem to have buncha dangonnit chadworthy problems.
I will vote, but just once. A couple of happy-sappy-tappy Red-Bulled election officers in Brookline can match a thousand of me in about 30 minutes flat.
Unless Brown gets 55%, minimum, of the actual voters he will never win it.
Kein Kufr tritt die Kugel!
A Conspiracy of Czars
Pinko debate
That Woman says:
January 12, 2010 at 2:56 am
My husband and I were stunned when Jon [Stewart] announced at the beginning of tonight’s show that the guest would be John Yoo. And Yoo is out hawking a book???? This slimy creep shouldn’t be on the Daily Show, he should be in jail after being brought before the world court. I constantly feel like I am down Alice’s hole. And isn’t it nice the way Obama is blocking any accountability for the entire Bush Crime Family. Wondering how Jon felt having so much evil sitting right next to him. And how about that liberal bastion Berkeley University hiring this neocon criminal to teach in their law school?????? Oh, and he said he never met Bush – hard to believe they weren’t together when they were getting off while watching the torture tapes. All of them are pure scum.
that guy says:
January 12, 2010 at 3:03 am
Jesus, you need to get laid.
January 12, 2010 at 2:56 am
My husband and I were stunned when Jon [Stewart] announced at the beginning of tonight’s show that the guest would be John Yoo. And Yoo is out hawking a book???? This slimy creep shouldn’t be on the Daily Show, he should be in jail after being brought before the world court. I constantly feel like I am down Alice’s hole. And isn’t it nice the way Obama is blocking any accountability for the entire Bush Crime Family. Wondering how Jon felt having so much evil sitting right next to him. And how about that liberal bastion Berkeley University hiring this neocon criminal to teach in their law school?????? Oh, and he said he never met Bush – hard to believe they weren’t together when they were getting off while watching the torture tapes. All of them are pure scum.
that guy says:
January 12, 2010 at 3:03 am
Jesus, you need to get laid.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Hoeven (R) Enters Senate Race...
I thought you guys might be interested in this.
Arrived in Ulaanbaatar yesterday evening, after a 36-hour Trans-Siberian rail ride from Beijing to Mongolia's capital. Photos upon my Stateside return.
Arrived in Ulaanbaatar yesterday evening, after a 36-hour Trans-Siberian rail ride from Beijing to Mongolia's capital. Photos upon my Stateside return.
It's all making sense now,
North Dakota
An old but hilarious book review
AA and I had our theories... BTW, has either of you looked at the book reviewed? I am sure, AA, that at your POE they have free copies lining the hallways. It would be interesting to see if this review is fair. I leave it to you to check.
VDH the Cheery--Still, takes a swipe at the Ivies.
Do not hire any more cabinet officials or government agency heads with Ivy League degrees. Enough already. Nothing haw destroyed the reputation of Yale-Harvard-Princeton more than the present administration. Geithner did not learn how to pay his taxes. Summers sleeps through meetings and has contradicted almost all that he used to believe in; Holder wants to accommodate the architect of 9/11 with a show trial in New York, but try the CIA agents who interrogated him. The old Yalie Van Jones thinks Bush was in on 9/11. And Barack Obama of Harvard Law Review believes the Muslims gave us everything from the printing press to the Renaissance and Enlightenment. One contractor, surgeon, engineer, or pilot is worth five lawyers and academics. The Ivy League seminar explains a lot of the problems with the now imploding Obama administration — so much self-referential talk of elite standards, so little actual proof of any at all.
How to deal with wreckers
.. in the charming pinko tradition: So how does Chávez propose to deal with inflation? He will use the military to prevent Venezuelan merchants from raising the prices of consumer goods. “Go ahead and speculate if you want, but we will take your business away and give it to the workers, to the people.”
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Not from Harvard

More Lowell wisdom: the choice is between Jack and Ted. Take your pick, boys.
Pinkos for Hitler.
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