Monday, July 12, 2010


Massachusetts paves the road to hell again.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Brown is as good in these things as Colin Powell is with Obama [or Saudi Arabia] and McCain with fiscal integrity [or the Bill of Rights].
In a time where we need a bunch of Thatchers the Republicans are going all Major Cameron.
Brown probably thinks he's cutely triangulating himself in the Massasachusetts electorate. he's full of it.
No Pepean, however vestigial, will go for one not in their Socialist camp. After all, there is no need for an accomodationist when they can get the full monty.
And an accomadationist is no one to carry the flag for your own side.
He's fucked himself royally, and paid a pretty penny to some shitbag political consultant to so do so.

Mr roT said...

Probably, but he'd be dead if he didn't do it also. In Cali, people actually want Obamacare even though they know full well it will collapse the economy beyond the disaster it already is.
The political class are in it for themselves and the voters are too stupid to give a shit.

Mr roT said...

I don't think she would go against principle. I also don't think she can win. Tecs wants him some Scottie.

Tecumseh said...

Where is "Tec's fruity thinktank" label?

Mr roT said...

From the above link:
"She's too stupid" is what the Establishment GOP really thinks about Sarah Palin. "Good-looking," but a "ditz." This is unfertile ground, since Palin can turn the argument on a dime and say: "They drive the country into bankruptcy, they underwrite Fannie and Freddie, they bail out Goldman Sachs, they fight wars they don't want to win, they say enforcing the immigration laws is silly and they call me stupid! I'll give you a choice: you can have their smarts or my stupidity, which one do you want?" A large number of GOP presidential primary voters will take Palin's "stupidity" in a heartbeat.

What this means is two things: (1) the pressure on former Florida Governor Jeb Bush to run for the GOP presidential nomination will increase as the year moves along, and (2) the likelihood of a strong independent party candidacy increases as Palin's support within the GOP broadens. Oh, and it also means one other thing: President Obama is not doomed.


Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

Oh, shit: If the Republicans allow the financial reform package to pass before November, they lose this trend line. Suddenly Obama is an effective leader with bipartisan support accomplishing big things, even historic ones. The question of whether the law is good or bad is too murky to follow without the green eyeshade. As a result, what people will take away is mainly the vibe: success, victory, achievement, history. It paints the President as a larger-than-life figure, something he has not been for many months. The devastation to Republican election hopes would be immense.

Mr roT said...

I doubt the Oh shit thing. I think he's a goner with the Katrina thing. At least I hope that he can't recover and do more damage.

Of course if cocksucking GOPers like Brown, Snowe, Collins sign on to everything he proposes, who care if it's him in the WH or Stalin himself?