Monday, July 12, 2010

Rot can't help himself

Stick to pasta carbonara, willya?


Tecumseh said...

Words of wisdom in the comments section from Gina: A once in a lifetime moment for him and she was obviously uncomfortable and not enjoying it at all. She is a news woman for heaven's sake - lighten up lady - it isn't national security. If she were a more supportive partner she would have let him enjoy the moment and celebrated with him. He needs to move on.

Mr roT said...

Weird comment. Wouldn't be bad to be Iker for a day, even if his gf is pretty ugly.

Tecumseh said...

Ugly? Why do you say so? I think she's pretty cute.

Arelcao Akleos said...

She's the grape that Rott can't reach, Tecumseh.
Wiener has made a simple simple man out of him.

Mr roT said...

For a footballer that made two pretty impressive saves against Robben last night?

Tecumseh said...

Der Rotter is a walking advertisement for Aesop's Fables.

Mr roT said...

The grope I can't reach, AAsop?

Mr roT said...

Arseop's foibles.

Mr roT said...

I'm just happy he's not gay like all of AA's fruity heroes.