Yes, it does. But I have this long-running feud with Das Rotter on the subject (treason, as defined in the Constitution, never arises in practice, according to his exalted Logick), that I let my pet peeve get the better of me, and did not consider putting a better, more specific title. Mea culpa. All right, what should it have been?
Now, Tecumseh, doesn't the prospect of The Chavez Bomb deserve a niftier title than that?
Yes, it does. But I have this long-running feud with Das Rotter on the subject (treason, as defined in the Constitution, never arises in practice, according to his exalted Logick), that I let my pet peeve get the better of me, and did not consider putting a better, more specific title. Mea culpa. All right, what should it have been?
Dr. Strangegov?
Two Nukes for Sister Hugo?
Dr. Maraschino and his Cherry?
Wow, What a Radiant Smile You Have, Grandma Chavez!
Chez Rotter's Traitoria?
Much, much better. Of course, Herr Rott dare not come out and duke it out on this playing field. How do you say "chicken" in Krautisch?
I would have entitled this, "Hang 'em high."
I probably would have added a noose as illustration, unless I got distracted googling around for a picture and ended up posting some sushi.
Sushi and Maraschino cherries don't go well together.
Got it.
Ah. Thesis. Antithesis. Synthesis. Rotter Logick in full swing.
If you can't follow, stay in the truck, man.
Following Rotter Logick is the easy part. Making sense of it is a bit of a struggle.
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