Friday, October 22, 2010

Freedom, pinko style

Of course, pinkos have no principles, so they don't even know how to spell the word: Despite many conversations and warnings over the years, Juan has continued to violate this principal.


Mr roT said...

Juan Williams, a million of them all over the country, not even non-pinkos, get thrown into the maw of the PC isolation tank.

Good thing there are so many jobs out there these days.

Mr roT said...

We’re profoundly sorry that this happened during fundraising week.


Tecumseh said...

A&M = Cornell&Middlebury: your standard $\lesssim$ in Rotter propositional calculus.

Mr roT said...

You got a space bar on that machine, Ace?

Tecumseh said...

There is no space between A&M. To maintain symmetry of diagram, I will not put a space between Cornell and Middlebury, if that's what it takes. It's called "poetic license," Signore Stramansky.