Friday, October 22, 2010

A new branch of cognitive science

Even as we speak, the social-democratic model Obama is openly and boldly trying to move America toward is unraveling in Europe. It's not just the real prospect of financial collapse in Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, with even the relatively more stable major countries in severe distress. It is the visible moral collapse of a system that, after two generations of increasing cradle-to-grave infantilization, turns millions of citizens into the streets of France in furious and often violent protest over what? Over raising the retirement age from 60 to 62!


Tecumseh said...

Oops, AA already posted this, two posts down. Only excuse: the title flew by me, I thought it was something about Chuck of England. So OK, add a warm Harpoon to the tab.

Mr roT said...

Pay up.

Tecumseh said...

Not to you!