Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sarah Palin vs Corrupt Bastards' Scheming

...Peasants contra VichyPepe d'Versailles.

The great sagas never die.

An interesting subtext here is that Sarah won her governorship on a very Tea Partyish anticorruption platform--aimed just as freely at republican operators [such as Murkowski's papa] as at democrat apparatchiks. This is very much an "the Empire strikes back" move, an oeuvre in Red and Brown against the reactionary bourgeosie and upstart kulaks. The CBS guys are just cheap ho's to the gangstas.


Tecumseh said...

‘Damn iPhone … I left you a long message. I thought I hung up. Sorry.’

Evil cell-phones let the hoi-polloi on the Pepean Cloaca machinations. There must be a moral of some sort in this crap.

Mr roT said...

Heh, Tecs hates the iPhone too. Gave Palin another oppo to look good.

Tecumseh said...

iPhone, cell-phone -- Minsk, Pinsk.

Mr roT said...

Nice explosion. But he's rathith.