Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Pinko nirvana has an odd collision with reality

...not to worry. They'll brush it off.
UChicag gets their leading economic incompetent back on faculty. Bet they're breathing a sigh of relief that the pinko bullshit grant money will come back now.


Tecumseh said...

Like other prominent administration economists, such as Larry Summers, who stepped down from his position as top economist advisor to return to Harvard, and Christina Romer, who left her seat on the Council of Economic Advisors for the welcome embrace of the University of California, Berkeley, Goolsbee cited the pull of the academy as the driving force. He says he wants to go back to Chicago, where he teaches at the business school. In the Obama administration, it seems, satisfying the rules of tenure has apparently become the new version of "spending more time with the family."

News you can use.

Mr roT said...

Rules of tenure: big gay 69.