Friday, June 10, 2011

Questions nobody's asking...


Tecumseh said...

As for Gingrich, he passed for a no-holds-barred D.C. politician 15 years ago. With his long classroom experience, he was one of the best no-notes public speakers around. And his widely-distributed Go-Pac lecture tapes tying world history into contemporary American issues could be mesmerizing. He seemed to overflow with new ideas, often pulling folded notes or articles from his coat pocket to show listeners.

Aahhh, those salad days... Thing is, I was rooting for Gingrich to succeed in 1994-1995 (and in many ways he did, though Bubba, being the better politician, managed to hog all the credit), while you were all agog about Noam Chomsky...

Mr roT said...

What name is more retarded?

Newt or Noam?

Mr roT said...

“Sometimes the smartest guy in the room thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room,” said a former official.


Jeez, pay up!

Tecumseh said...

Chis Matthews does a Rot impersonation.