Monday, June 06, 2011

Rottergirl keeps diggin'

Says Paul: In the Fall of 1774 & Winter of 1775 I was one of upwards of thirty, cheifly mechanics, who formed our selves in to a Committee for the purpose of watching the Movements of the British Soldiers, and gaining every intelegence of the movements of the Tories. We held our meetings at the Green-Dragon Tavern. Hmmm... Maybe after 3 pints or seven, he did warn the Brits that Rot ain't paying the tab. The Tab.


Mr roT said...

The dogs may bark but the caravan moves on.

Mr roT said...

These an interview here?

Tecumseh said...

Hey, hey, hey. That's a Romanian proverb:

Câinii latră, caravana trece.
Translation: "The dogs bark, the caravan passes by..." (undisturbed)
meaning: don't listen to naysayers, there's always some of them but [they] should not be taken seriously

Where's my Rosso di Montepulciano?

Arelcao Akleos said...

"old him. it was Revere, he as-
ked if it was Paul? I told him yes He asked me if
I was an express? I answered in the afirmative. He
demanded what time I left Boston? I told him; and
aded, that their troops had catched aground in passing the River,
and that There would be five hundred Americans there
in a short time, for I had alarmed the Country all the way up. "

So, Paul Revere gave the British full info, as to his mission, including warning as to Americans being ready for them.....
..Looks like Sarah was diggin' some Truth.

Mr roT said...

Sarah can see a wreckler from centuries on...