Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The stupidest shit you'll read all year


Arelcao Akleos said...

Nah. The Year is Young, and the Progessives' progress to Ultima Stupidita is inexorable.

Mr roT said...

Dunno. There was a lot of A => ¬A in there.

Ann Coulter thinks a lot clearer.

Tecumseh said...

Yes, Mr Rot--that piece of Guardian drivel is up there for the stupidest shit of the year. We gotta have a prize here.

Speaking of logic, how do you guys parse this Weinerische answer? Is that a yes or a no? Or does it depend on what the definition of is is? Or, perhaps, it depends on whether the Axiom of Choice holds?

Tecumseh said...

Twisting, twisting....

Mr roT said...

"it could have been a photograph that was taken out of context"

Quit twisting my words! Ouch!!

Tecumseh said...

More: His answer ranks “somewhere below ‘no controlling legal authority’ and above ‘wide stance.’ ” Weiner is fast becoming a classic of the genre.