Wednesday, September 07, 2011

This is what happens

...when you give US passports to the foreign-born. They go apeshit bananas.
I say, deport the fuck out of all of them, but of course, no one listens to Cato.


Tecumseh said...

Day at the office.

Mr roT said...

Pepe, in your hiatus, you missed a couple of truly hallucinogenic exchanges with Tecs.

Turns out he's a nativist!

Of course the only way to fight Tecs' (and now AA's derivative) nativism is to point out that the most tolerant person on this board regarding immigration is the one that was actually fucking born in the USA along with his parents and half his grandparents while Tecs and AA are as wet as you were.


Mr roT said...

About .357s, that's a good comfortable chambering. It's .44s that are guys with Howitzer dreams.

Tecumseh said...

Hallucinogenic? Why? Because I'm a "nativist"? How could I be, if, as you say, I'm not native to these shores?

Rather, I'm a strict constructionist when it comes to the Constitution. Sometimes, fresh blood and a fresh look is needed to appreciate (and fully defend) that foundational document.

Some who have been around too long become blasé and complacent about it. And, of course, some ubi panis ibi patriae interlopers (like Pepe) never fully adhere to it, but rather, mock it and sneer at it.

Charly said...

Slam the door shut but only just after I get in.

Mr roT said...

avant moi le déluge