Monday, October 24, 2011

FCP losers cry and drink


Mr roT said...

Wrong title. This is better, roT ululates, laughs at RINOs.

Charly said...

Compassionate conservatism is so early 21st c. Today letting those paperless motherfuckers die is all the rage.
We're still good christians, it's just that times are really hard on americans these days you know, and these illegals just don't see the financial hell we're going through.
Like take my neighbor. Her flat screen TV just died on her. Well, she had to settle for a 42" screen instead of the 50" she deserves. Blind pinkos just don't see the horror in these stories.

Tecumseh said...

Is that some kind of sarcasm I'm detecting in there, Charly? Oh, my. So biting, it hurts. Not.

Charly said...

Just saying': good christians, love thy neighbor 'n all but don't touch our wallets.