Saturday, October 22, 2011

Van Voorhees VII contra The Barbarian Tea Horde

Iowahawk awakes from his troubled slumbers, to find the man before him the man behind whom 3/4 of FCP can find common cause.
Polite, cultured, bipartisan, loves his Euros, can distinguish his cognac from that sordid Jim Beam brew of the peasants, knows his Harvard Rulz, with a fine cut to his jib, and all the graces to be found charmant by even the most Versaillean of PlanetPeperians. Who better to lead Les Etats-Unis into its Decline?
That's right, no one who would ever be found at a Tea Party.


Arelcao Akleos said...

"I returned to my beloved Les Etats Unis to claim my Harvard birthright and matriculate in the rough-and-tumble of conservative political punditry"

The 3/4 swoon at such magnificence.

Mr roT said...

Grandiosity befitting the wrongheaded.

IA caught the stench.