Saturday, October 29, 2011

Techs pays pepe a Parisian visit


Tecumseh said...

Christianity still exists in France? Must only be the dying embers...

Charly said...

We breed them for the lions.

Tecumseh said...

Pinko restoration? Hollande as a Frenchie Mitt? Hmmm... What has the world come to?

Tecumseh said...

Pinko reactionaries:

The very notion of a backward-looking left is laughable. Since its inception during the French Revolution, the left has been the party of progress, riding the wave of history to that distant shore where man will cast off the chains of society and live a truly authentic, free, and “natural” life. It’s been the conservatives who have looked in the other direction, tapping the lefties on the shoulder and reminding them that faith and tradition are important guides to human action and shouldn’t be cast off lightly. In contemporary America the equation has been reversed: Tea Party populists support drastic measures to revitalize the American government and economy, while left-wing class warriors want nothing more than to maintain the broken structures of the welfare state.

Charly as Louis XVI, ensconced in his digs at Versailles. The stinking peasants are getting restless.