Thursday, October 20, 2011

Just like Tecs...

Nice guy as long as you agree with him, but after that, he gets pissy and defensive.
But not to worry; that's what the new Democracy is built on, eight? You can say what you want as long as you don't offend me.


Tecumseh said...

Perry is a boor, and a low-blow fighter, who hits below the belt when he has no substantive argument. No substance, just dredging up old personal bullshit, in a canned, rather pathetic attack. Not presidential at all, sorry.

Tecumseh said...

Plus, Perry has shown he cares a whit about the Republican Party as a whole, by starting these personal attacks, against the age-old Reagan "11th Commandment", although of course Romney was weak in stooping to that level, instead of blowing it off in a statemanslike fashion (Newt is right on this).

The wider issue here is that yes, Romney had some past transgressions against the core ideology of the GOP (RomneyCare being the main one, the rest is mostly peccadilloes) which he's trying now to live with and amend, best he can. Not the best situation, but something one can deal with in a rational fashion.

On the other hand, Perry, who initially presented himself as Mr Conservative alternative to Romney, has shown far more recent and consistent departures from core ideology of the GOP -- all the more jarring as they conflict with the way he seeks to present himself. And, on a personal level, he has revealed an unsettling mix of doofiness and general incompetence, combined with a boorish, self-important, aggressive manner, which is both unappealing and unpresidential, as I said. Not a winning combination, but rather, a divisive factor in this race, one that can only hurt the GOP brand.

But hey, ululululululu, says Mr Rot -- ain't that the goal?

Mr roT said...

The GOP hurt the GOP brand hen they put up a Dem.

Mr roT said...

Hah, just got to your nut sentence!

Embracing socialism is probably damaging to the GOP brand, but only outside of your neighborhood, Tecs.

What do you think?


Mr roT said...

Wow, your post has me coming back over and over.

Why should anyone give a shit about the GOP, for example. They aren't always right and the Dems aren't always wrong.

For example, Romney looks like he'll be the GOP's nominee in spite of the fact that on policy he lines up more with the Dems almost everywhere.

Upi pining for Ron Paul?

Tecumseh said...

Well, unlike you, I do "give a shit" about the GOP. And it pains me to see such a low-level, in the gutter campaign being pushed by Perry -- and seeing Romney falling into the trap of getting into the gutter with Perry, instead of acting statesmanlike, as he normally does.

Cui bono? The answer is self-evident. Or ought to be.

Mr roT said...

Selling out one's political philosophy is noble now; just don't switch party affiliations!

That would be like treason, eh, Tecs?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Let Cain be Mack the Knife and I'm a Happy Camper.