Monday, October 08, 2012

"Thou Shalt Not Pass"; in the AmeriSoc Graves of Academe

The Left A'Clam'in the American Mind ........................................................................ Some beauts:"Here are some of the responses we received: An affiliate with Hope College Stated: “After a brief review of your page, I quickly came to realize the surplus of nonsense your group is promoting to young Americans. If my acceptance of this event grants you further permission to come to Hope’s campus, I must decline any further participation.” Iowa State University: “You are not as liberal as advertised. We do not want you to be part of any activity on campus.” Trinity College: “A debate is something we are highly disinterested in. This is not something our university would want on our campus.” Loyola University: “Your organization will not be participating in any activity on campus.” A list of some fine Calliclean colleges is here: Drink the Hemlock But, of course, no American College is quite so comfortable with the Calliclean ethos as good ol' Versailles-on-Charles.................................... Cry me a River Charly, ye Stinking Peasants
......................................................................... Yup, a debate ain't something Charly wants sailing down his River. Besides, if a debate should by happenstance break out, the Professors know how to pick up the mighty grading pen: AmeriSoc would do Unto Romney as they would do unto FCP Ah, this is one shit taco that still stinks, after all these years.

1 comment:

Mr roT said...

University regulations against hate speech are entirely necessary for maintaining respect and dignity among the student body, and Harvard’s policies to this end are well thought-out and fair—and certainly not worthy of protest.
