Thursday, November 08, 2012

Down the River Charly

“Missing greatness,” it turns out, is not just a function of who’s in charge. It’s a result of democratic citizens’ not paying attention. Or worse, it’s the result of citizens’ suffering such severe ideological glaucoma that they cannot see what is in front of them.


Tecumseh said...

Pack it in, boyz. La Commedia è finita!

Tecumseh said...

An optimistic comment: You think the US is going to end up like the UK? That’s a pretty optimistic take. If you’re lucky you’ll turn into Greece. More realistically, Venezuela is the template.

Arelcao Akleos said...

As if we'd every get that lovely global warming climate Venezuela is blessed with.
On a good day, we'll be lucky to get Vladivostok.

Tecumseh said...

Good point, AA. And for sure we won't get the azurean Greek islands. We're stuck with Bayonne and Cleveland, in da Bootyful Amerisoc.

Gotta give it to Charly: he knew when to skedaddle, just after he left us holding the bag, full of his tacos de mierda.

Tecumseh said...

Das Kapital beats Bain Capital. A fitting epitaph to a dreary campaign.

Tecumseh said...

Joys of Rottea.

Tecumseh said...

Mr Rot's bete noire takes a cold hard look at reality, as opposed to those dreamy-eyed Rotter/GOP-establishmentarian fantasies:

Falling in love with your own high-minded rhetoric is no substitute for clear-eyed examination that takes the world as it is, not as we would have it. In point of fact, Islamists, like many Hispanic political activists (think: La Raza), are statists. [T]heir thoroughgoing alliance with the American Left is ideologically based — it is not a product of insensitive messaging or “Islamophobia.” Islamists revile finance capitalism, favor redistributionist economic policies, and endorse nanny state regulatory suffocation as well as an ever-expanding welfare state. This is not because Leftists made inroads while conservatives idled. It is because — though this often seems unimaginable to the Journal — Islamists, like many Hispanic activists, are the vanguard of a different culture that they passionately believe is superior to the culture of individual liberty.