Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I would have let her go too


Pepe le Pew said...

In diplomatic contacts, Iran had provided Britain with an initial set of coordinates for the position of the boats that placed the incident in Iraqi waters.

“We pointed this out to them on Sunday in diplomatic contacts,” Vice Admiral Style said. “After we did this they then provided a second set of coordinates that places the incident in Iranian waters” over two nautical miles away from where they were said to be by Britain, he said.

“It is hard to understand a legitimate reason for this change of coordinates,” he said.

It's hard to imagine how the iranians could be so dumb that they didn't think of double-checking their data. Certainly doesn't look too good: time to give up the hostages.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Sounds like that British girl is enjoying her stay. Maybe she wants to give Iranian citizenship a go?

Pepe le Pew said...

She said: "I was arrested on Friday March 23. Obviously we trespassed into their waters.

"They were very friendly and very hospitable, very thoughtful, good people.

"They explained to us why we had been arrested. There was no aggression, no hurt, no harm. They were very, very compassionate."

and conservative too: they really ought to get along fine with dubbbyah.

Pepe le Pew said...

Man, you've just arrived in Berkeley and are already wallowing in "my feelings are hurt" rhetoric? At this rate, they'll have you in tie-dies even before your quals.

Pepe le Pew said...

and it's "degueulasse"

Mr roT said...

AI, give Pepe a break! Look at the first comment above. He's turned into an ArabAuschwitzing neocon!

Hey, guys, you think the Iranians overreached here or will Blair and Galloway chicken out?

BTW, Pepe, she may not be great shakes as lookers go, but she can outnuance even John Kerry. Hell, she's talking about like Tokyo Rose (with a nicer accent, imo) and AI is defending her tooth and nail.

Where's article 32, section 4, comma aa, subsection xviii, AI?

Pepe le Pew said...

ai's in Berkeley surrounded by feminists with hairy legs: he's ready to fight for any chick that doesn't look and smell like an ugly guy. I really sympathize with him.

the answer to your question lies where the British public is: if they are sick enough of the war, blair's only option (and obviously the best for those concerned about peace in the region) is special ops. but if the british public turns, who knows?

Mr roT said...

There's no way special ops is gonna spring those sailors, man. This ain't Entebbe. If Ahmadinejad holds 'em or puts on a showtrial, I must admit with AI and go with casus belli pure and simple.

Best theory I've heard is that Ahmad wants his Republican Guards back (the ones the US bagged in Iraq a while back) and wants to set up a trade: If the US says no, it splits the coalition even more. If the US says yes, then they get their boys back.

Of course this is all predicated on the Brits not simply saying 'fuck you bastards' and threatening them with daisycutters.

Frankly, it's time to start giving Ahmad a deadline and I think the Brits are not so corrupted and limp that they would disagree with me.

Of course almost all the Brits I have met recently were Royal Navy drunkards in bars in Soho well after 3 a.m.

Their geopolitical views may differ from the Tate Gallery fruits you know.

Pepe le Pew said...

Right, but at the same time, a full blown attack may result in the prompt liberation of the hostages, or it may become another disastrous quagmire. Not a decision to be taken lightly.

Of course almost all the Brits I have met recently were Royal Navy drunkards in bars in Soho well after 3 a.m.
This comes as a true surprise.

Pepe le Pew said...

Best theory I've heard is that Ahmad wants his Republican Guards back (the ones the US bagged in Iraq a while back) and wants to set up a trade: If the US says no, it splits the coalition even more. If the US says yes, then they get their boys back.
The US hasn't been very supportive of its main ally through the war: what would they have to gain from the exchange?