Friday, March 23, 2007

Mel Belongs on FCP!!

He has my patience with "Academicians", like MFT he has a passion for History, like JJ there's no such thing as a VCP he'd reject, like the D of PP he knows how to charm a lady, like AI he prefers his advances Shermanesque.
A Loose Cannon if there ever was one......... so, an invite gentlemen?


Tecumseh said...

Mel does look a bit like me when I argue with JJ about the Coanda effect after a pint or three. That right, JJ?

Mr roT said...

Who was Mel and who was the sexy actress?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Difficult to take a side on this one, fellahs: Mel the Closet Anti-Semite ("Hey-hey, sugar tits!"), or the Multi-Culturalist scholar from Planet Pepe suggesting that the Mayans didn't engage in sacrificial relgious ceremony.