Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pouring a Round of Linguistic[sic] Kool-Aid!

This is good. Before Derrida, Foucault and Chomsky dropped onto the scene, clarity was something that all scholars seemed to strive for. This little article refers to a memo from the editorial desk of Sandy Rowe at The Oregonian

Written in the saddest bureaucratese, her 760-word note stops whatever conversation it was designed to start... I've read grocery lists that were more literate... Far from rallying the Oregonian staff to help the new bosses remake the paper, Rowe's memo pours a round of Kool-Aid and invites the newsroom to do a Jonestown.

Yea!!! Kool-Aid for everyone!!!


Mr roT said...

cool. need more obfuscation.

Mr roT said...

The note is fantastic:Pure bullshit. Sounds like our fac emails.

My Frontier Thesis said...

If someone in my office talked this way, I'd politely tell them to fuck off, to consult the OED, or start reading Mencken and not quit until they were dead.

Anyone who sends out a memo like that should also be brought up on charges of Crimes Against Humanity, and promptly executed by firing squad or Iraqi hanging.