Has he gone off his meds, again? "To avert a second Cold War, the United States should “get out of Russia’s space and get out of Russia’s face,” and shut down all U.S. bases on the soil of the former Soviet Union." Hmmm.... This guy used to write for Nixon & Reagan?
Hate that SOB. Can't we just go back to Ann Coulter posts? She's more fun and more right.
And has better legs.
She's not bad. Why no pic, AI?
Pat's senile dementia has finally shifted into overdrive, and this is the result. Don't get me wrong: he's still entertaining. Nothing compared to what he was on the McLaughlin Group back in the day on Saturday mornings.
I'll bet if we visited old folk's homes, we'd get similar hypotheses. Or go to Green Peace meetings and meet doom-sayers that have common ground with Pat... and Ann.
It's really not Pat's fault: they're still working to stave off the effects of Alzheimer's.
who put up the shaving problem?
You mean, the pic? I did.
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