"Tony Henry belted out a version of the Croat anthem before the 80,000 crowd, but made a blunder at the end.
He should have sung 'Mila kuda si planina' (which roughly means 'You know my dear how we love your mountains').
But he instead sang 'Mila kura si planina' which can be interpreted as 'My dear, my penis is a mountain.' "
Time to eat croat AA? Hey, what's the name of the penis mountains you pokested?
These Tonyesque mountains are the "Torres-del-Paine", Chile.
It is never time to eat "croat", JJ, even if Sven Dreckson can carry a tune on his McLarenette.
You still at the punning, AA? Towers of Penis in (of all places to a Tex-Mexer like myself) CHILE?
You are a true pun-dit.
This mountain penis guy is kind of tooting his own horn, eh? So much for humility.
Here's one attempt at pun: "He gave the Croats the shaft on that one."
Them's mountin' croats! oooohhh-wweeee. Let's go boys!
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