...We provide evidence from a field study of wait times in Boston-area coffee shops that suggests that female customers wait an average of 20 seconds longer for their orders than do male customers even when controlling for gender differences in orders. We find that this differential in wait times is inverse to the proportion of employees whore are female and directly related to how busy the coffee shop is at the time of the order. The supports the conclusion that the observed differential is driven at least in part by employee animus and/or statistical discrimination rather than unobserved heterogeneity in the purchasing behavior of female customers."
Or, MFT's 1st suggestion: maybe the male coffee shop baristas are mostly gay, and perhaps are likely to snub women over men.
Or, MFT's 2nd suggestion: maybe the male coffee shop baristas are hetero, and simply keeping the women around for another 20 seconds -- you know, to make sure they are properly serviced.
[This requires a pic & extra tags -- AI]
Or, maybe some people have more trouble deciding between the double Latte and the Venti Americano?
I opt for standard drip coffee.
Have you ever tried good old cowboy coffee, AI? We used to brew it up in the mornings at old Fort Abraham Lincoln during our first-person interpretative days.
Great work with the pic, too.
What's cowboy coffee? Just plain regular black coffee, with water boiled on a wood fire?
Yeah. With coffee grounds, of course. Throw in an uncracked egg, too -- it cuts the acidity a bit, and you can eat it once it's hard-boiled too. The 19th-century soldierly thing to do was to soften the hard-tack in the coffee as well. Just a bit of really salted bacon, some beans, and you got your three courses for the year. No wonder the frontier army still had cases of scurvy within the ranks on the Plains.
mmm butt
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