Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dick Morris says, "x=x."


Tecumseh said...

OK, so the toesucker has a point. So? He's still a hack.

Mr roT said...

Yes, ROmney is a hack. He's Huckabee-lite with John Edwards' hair.

Tecumseh said...

C'mon, JJ, give Mitt a break. What';s all these bad vibes against him? So OK, he's not the greatest there is, but he looks basically OK to me. And he's a better campaigner than Rudy (that's an almost empty statement). And he got a couple of degrees from Harvard. What else do you want?

Mr roT said...

Ooh Harvard degrees!! Obama has that too. Want him?

My Frontier Thesis said...

I'm not voting for a Mormon, just like that. Religion is weird enough to begin with, and Mitt's is hyper-weird. He's also got some explaining to do about his church only recognizing blacks as equals in the '70s -- not the 1870s, but the 1970s.

Mr roT said...

You mean Canadians, mft.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Havahd, home of many a richly pathetic fraud. And that's just looking at the current faculty and bureaucratic poobahs, never mind a Kennedy, a Gore, or an Obama.
I think Romney is a very competent businessman, and a not so bad politico [although not my first choice out of this current group of candidates. But it has absolutely nothing to do with his degrees saying "Harvard" as opposed to "University of Utah" or "Michigan State".

Mr roT said...

...and lots of good educations in the liberal arts...

Tecumseh said...

Well, there's different flavors of Hahvahd. I didn't even know Obama went there, but what exactly did he study, and how well? As for Mitt, here's what he got:

In 1975, Romney graduated from a joint Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration program coordinated between Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School. He graduated cum laude from the law school and was named a Baker Scholar for graduating in the top five percent of his business school class.

Mr roT said...

Obama went to Harvard Law and wrote a particularly idiotic paper on geometrodynamics, quantum mechanics and the Supreme Court with L Tribe. They were deeply, deeply confused. It's linked to here.