Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Done deal?

I guess I'd prefer someone with a bit more character. Another milquetoast like Cheney... Maybe Mac should go for Fred Thompson.


Pepe le Pew said...

Not to piss on your party JJ, but for this to be a "done deal", doesn't McCain have to be elected first? Is this too rhetorical ?

Mr roT said...

the deal is to choose the running mate, Pepe. like duh...

Pepe le Pew said...

Oh, that's the deal? Who was Bob Dole's running mate?

Tecumseh said...

Jack Kemp. Like in the Kemp-Roth tax cuts, the centerpiece of Reaganomics. Like duhhh...

My Frontier Thesis said...

I thought Dole's running mate was Viagra...

Mr roT said...

Oh no, not a Kempist. AI, you have loved them all haven't you? What about the salamander? I mean Newt?

Mr roT said...

Phil Gramm, AI? You and Julio ought to duet, "To all the curs we've loved before."

Tecumseh said...

Kemp, Newt, Phil Gramm -- all good men, in their time. Yep. And Newt is still kicking.

Tecumseh said...

As for Fred Thompson -- my sympathy for him diminished when I remembered he voted to save Bubba's sorry ass in the Senate, after the House rightly voted for impeachment on perjury and obstruction of justice.

Mr roT said...

destroying the presidency for such a stupid thing is wrong. watergate was overblown and so was whitewater. special prosecutor law should be dead and nixon's and clinton's gratuitous tormentors should die the death of a thousand cuts.

Pepe le Pew said...

my thinking too. there had to be a better allocation of resources than looking under that pathetic rock.

Mr roT said...

all stupid scandal sheet politics