Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Magna Carta rulz!

In our system, citizens agree to invest one of their own with the power of public prosecution. We call this a public trust. The ability to bring the full weight of state power against private individuals or entities has been recognized since the Magna Carta as a power with limits. At nearly every turn, Eliot Spitzer has refused to admit that he was subject to those limits.

Powwww!! Take that, JJ. Where is my Magnum?


Mr roT said...

Pointed at your right temple? You're raving as is the WSJ. Where was the corresponding WSJ hubris piece when Giuliani was acting like he need not obey natural law?

Tecumseh said...

I dunno. Was the WSJ a big fan of Giuliani? I thought you were. And why the tu quoque? You're trying to defend Spitzer?

Pepe le Pew said...

Where was the corresponding WSJ hubris piece when Giuliani was acting like he need not obey natural law?
...or when Vitter was getting his dick sucked for cash at the same time that he was wagging the bible at the local churchnicks?

Mr roT said...

AI, I am a fan of Giuliani and I have no opinion about Spitzer. I am objecting to the vehemence behind the WSJ's words. Perhaps they are deserved, but it sure looks like the party organ thing that I don't like.
That's all.
Did you like my nasty joke about the temple?

As to Vitter, I feel that much more tragically, Pepe. Yeah, so he's some biblethumper got elected big muckamuck in 3rd world Louisiana by making the right enemies, but I know some of the family and they must be in terrible shape.

I am very sad for them and don't care about the politics, just as I disagree with you on many things to the point of great offense, but wish you well and hope you and your family are happy.

Pepe le Pew said...

The opening line goes a long way in showing the bias:
Governor Spitzer, who made his career by specializing in not just the prosecution, but the ruin, of other men, is himself almost certainly ruined.
this is not someone that was working at upholding the law, mind you. He was just out to "ruin other men".As opposed to other judges & prosecutors who did what?

Pepe le Pew said...

As to Vitter, I feel that much more tragically, Pepe. Yeah, so he's some biblethumper got elected big muckamuck in 3rd world Louisiana by making the right enemies, but I know some of the family and they must be in terrible shape.

Sorry to hear that. My comment had to do with the public figure, though. I find the preaching far more offensive than the nookie.

Mr roT said...

Well, yes. But other people that can vote care about the nookie and like the preaching or else he wouldn't have gotten elected. They matter too and no one can prove either of you right or wrong.

Mr roT said...

About the first line, Pepe, it sounds like Stravinsky's Oedipus Rex: L'assassin du roi est un roi.

Tecumseh said...

Vitter, Craig, etc are/were legislators. They're rascals and hypocrites, and were caught with their pants down. But here we're talking a different level. This guy Spitzer was a prosecutor, going viciously after some people, ruining entire companies, etc; now he's chief executive of New York State. And he breaks the law (not just as regards interstate prostitution, but also money laundering), after he got elected basically for prosecuting the exact same crimes (in addition to ruining some people and companies).

BTW, here's what wiki has on him, before the current stuff: During his time in office, he has proposed a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage in New York and issued an executive order allowing illegal aliens to be issued driver's licenses, which have both attracted controversy. In July 2007, he was admonished for his administration's involvement in ordering the State Police to record the whereabouts of State Senate majority leader Joseph L. Bruno. According to a November 2007 poll, Spitzer's approval rating as governor sits at a low 33%.

Mr roT said...

Is there anything wrong with that stuff there, AI?

Pepe le Pew said...

Bad approval ratings is wrong, jj.

Tecumseh said...

Taranto steals my story, yet again (with one-day delay): "In lead stories Monday night about New York Governor Eliot Spitzer being linked to a prostitution ring, neither ABC's World News nor the NBC Nightly News verbally identified Spitzer's political party. Must mean he's a liberal Democrat -- and he is. CBS anchor Katie Couric, however, managed to squeeze in a mention of his party. On ABC, the only hints as to Spitzer's party were a few seconds of video of Spitzer beside Hillary Clinton as they walked down some steps and a (D) on screen by Spitzer's name over part of one soundbite. NBC didn't even do that. While ABC and NBC failed to cite Spitzer's political affiliation in the four minutes or so each network dedicated to the revelations, both managed to find time to applaud his reputation and effectiveness as the Empire State's Attorney General before becoming Governor".

Tecumseh said...

Ordering the State Police to harass one's political opponents is pretty bad shit, JJ. Even you know that.

Mr roT said...

True, but this is wikipedia, and it's just 'record whereabouts'. Sounds like a crock of shit, and if not, then why did you mention all the other non-issues. Those are positions a politician could fairly take. That you reckon he's a bad man that should be in jail because he proposed giving illegals driver's licenses sounds a lot worse than record whereabouts in hearsay.