Friday, May 01, 2009

Krauthammer pisses up a rope


Tecumseh said...

Which makes the current spectacle of self-righteous condemnation not just cowardly but hollow. It is one thing to have disagreed at the time and said so. It is utterly contemptible, however, to have been silent then and to rise now "on a bright, sunny, safe day in April 2009" (the words are Blair's) to excoriate those who kept us safe these harrowing last eight years.
I'm finally starting to understand the meaning of Mr Rot's expression, "pissing up a rope". Yes, Kraut and VDH are doing just that, with gusto. For all the good it does.

Tecumseh said...

More pissing up a rope. Hey, Mr Rot, come to think of it -- how does a gal do it? Are you being sexist, or what? Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Tecumseh said...

Better pissing up a rope.

Mr roT said...

Tecs, I am glad you're getting my drift. Why are we reading these guys, Kraut and VDH? They're from a past epoch in which rationality mattered.

The point now is to relax and let the joy of celebrity inform our political decisions.

It's Michelle's ugly fucking tennis shoes. That's what's important. It's the OMG segment of Yahoo news.