Tuesday, May 12, 2009

more hyperventilation

UPDATE: Hitchens' view. Succinct and correct.


Tecumseh said...

Disgusting. And totally indicative of the pinko mindset.

Mr roT said...

She jokes about the Palin practice of pulling out not being safe enough.

I would say that a regiment of illegitimate Palins is better than any more shits like her legitimate or not and the dumbass-in-chief sniffling back his sycophantic laughs behind her deserves a similar reproductive potential.

Tecumseh said...

Keep in mind, though, that such "humor" is not just the product of a single individual, like this alleged "comic". It is the product of the whole lefty mindset, or at least, in its present-day, American incarnation. It is this mindset that encourages and goads on lowlifes such as Olbermann & al to spew their bullshit.

Tecumseh said...

I never heard Miller (or Limbaugh, for that matter) wishing someone dead -- at least not a fellow American citizen. I'm sure Pepe would not see the distinction, but perhaps you may still see it. There's a fine line between being an asshole and ululating with death wishes -- Planet Pepe has no compunction of crossing that line whenever they feel like it, and that happens routinely.

Mr roT said...

OK, I see your point.

Tecumseh said...

Hitch looks blasted. Single malt still working?

Mr roT said...

In whiskey veritas?

Pepe le Pew said...

not to piss on your vapors but wishing someone dead doesn't cause that person to die. it actually has no bearing on their life expectancy. Really. This is nothing to be having fits about.
Why this unfunny comedian was invited to speak is the real scandal.

Mr roT said...

Racist homophobe.

Tecumseh said...

Pepe: Are you serious? You can't be. But, if you are, why not test your hypothesis? Start making "jokes" like that pinko hero's, but not an the expense of designated Enemies of the People (which are faie game, according to Socialist dogma), and see what happens.

Pepe le Pew said...

the way one has to tip-toe around everybody's feelings is one of the most unfortunate developments in american culture over the last few years.
i hope you two die of acne.