Thursday, May 14, 2009

A paean to Pepean health care

More: The insurance that the 48 million would be required to purchase would lump healthy people in with the very ill and require them to be charged the same rate as a person already consuming $100,000 of medical care per day.

If you are an illegal alien (9.3 million of the 48 million uninsured are not U.S. nationals), the government — meaning the taxpayers — will probably pay for your insurance under the final bill. But if you are middle-income, the government will have effectively imposed on you a $13,000 health-care tax — in large part, to pay for other people’s care.

Of course: that's the pinko way. By definition.


Pepe le Pew said...

bah.just tax useless and unproductive academics masturbating in useless and esoteric subjects to make up for the deficit.

Tecumseh said...

Right. That will bring in trillions of dollars -- the order of magnitude of the deficits currently being incurred. Joys of Socialist economics.