Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Pig Slaughter in Cairo
Did someone already post this? If so, well, then here it is again. If not, then here it is.
We are too stooopid for Gore Vidal
America has no intellectual class and is rotting away at a funereal pace, he believes. “We’ll have a military dictatorship soon, on the basis nobody else can hold everything together. Obama would have been better off focusing on educating the American people. His problem is being overeducated. He doesn’t realise how dim-witted and ignorant his audience is.”
WFB had the right repartee, back in 1968 at the Democratic Convention in Chicago: Vidal told Buckley to "shut up a minute" and, in response to Buckley's reference to "pro-Nazi" protestors, went on to say "As far as I'm concerned, the only sort of pro-Crypto-Nazi I can think of is yourself." The visibly livid Buckley replied: “Now listen, you queer. Stop calling me a crypto-Nazi, or I'll sock you in the goddamn face and you'll stay plastered.”
WFB had the right repartee, back in 1968 at the Democratic Convention in Chicago: Vidal told Buckley to "shut up a minute" and, in response to Buckley's reference to "pro-Nazi" protestors, went on to say "As far as I'm concerned, the only sort of pro-Crypto-Nazi I can think of is yourself." The visibly livid Buckley replied: “Now listen, you queer. Stop calling me a crypto-Nazi, or I'll sock you in the goddamn face and you'll stay plastered.”
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Where Mr Rot hangs out
WaPo infiltrated by the VRWC
Obama is our version of a Supreme Leader, not given to making idle threats, setting idle deadlines, reversing course on momentous issues, creating a TV crisis where none existed or, unbelievably, pitching Chicago for the 2016 Olympics.
Dinosaur media watch
The NY Slimes trying to squirm out of it (as exposed by Taranto): For days, as more videos were posted and government authorities rushed to distance themselves from Acorn, The Times stood still. Its slow reflexes--closely following its slow response to a controversy that forced the resignation of Van Jones, a White House adviser--suggested that it has trouble dealing with stories arising from the polemical world of talk radio, cable television and partisan blogs. Some stories, lacking facts, never catch fire. But others do, and a newspaper like The Times needs to be alert to them or wind up looking clueless or, worse, partisan itself.
You don't say.
You don't say.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Iesus and Iosaphat
When English Departments Were Sane
Rot, Dr. Mossner used to profess near your Texas stomping grounds. Today I decided to revisited his 1978 Journal of the History of Ideas essay entitled, "The Religion of David Hume" (Vol. 39, No. 4: 653-663). Today's English Departments? Notsomuch.
American Beauty,
David Hume,
Bacon explosion!

non-pinko food,
not hallal
Floating above the hoi-polloi
Pepean logic hard at work: Mr Obama has committed his citizens to an expensive and open-ended period of reparation and repentance, and placed himself in a logical contradiction.
The Clarity of a Distant Eye
The Pepean President is a nightmare for all but Pepeans.... It is a shame this is understood much more swiftly by those on the banks of the Ganges than on the Hudson or Potomac.
When the Saudis make more sense than a former national security advisor...'s gotta be one of Carter's boys.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
From Planet Pepe, With Love
You Sure Who's Your Daddy Now?
Mumia is also a French hero
Mitterand said "a scary America" has just "shown its face".
Aahhh the French,
hero of Planet Pepe
Nattering nabobs of negativism
If there is one thing we should remember Bill Safire for, it's for coining that phrase. I still remember the days I used to read the NYT -- full hefty Sunday paper -- on a grassy knoll in Riverside Park; Safire's column was almost always the best part. RiP.
Monkey Surrenders Monkey Sullivans

His is arguably the most moronic single piece of writing read so far this year.... and this year has had a vast river of moronic writ cascading from Pepetopia into the peasant realms below. There was a time I would have described such as "unbelievable crap". But by now it is Crap you can Believe in.
Oh, yeah, Andy, your "Obama’s promise was and is a rebranding of America (which was the primary reason I supported him)" riff is as crapulacious as your "logic". Unlike your "logic", though, which is merely the debris of a pathetic and broken mind, your riff is a conscious lie. That exquisite coincidence of timing between your acquiring a per annum stipend from Da Great Soros, fending off all sorts of legal and financial difficulties you had landed in, and your "enlightenment" as to the wonders of AmeriSoc, is really too exquisite even for your rococo tastes; never mind our pedestrian Yankee ones.
Say hi to Pepe for us, if he yet lives, in your harem of gerbils.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Zaky puts in his two cents
.. and tries to outdo the Reuters hack: Obama is gambling that America is now mature enough to understand that machismo is not foreign policy, and that grandstanding on the global stage just won't succeed. In a new world, with other countries more powerful and confident, America's success—its security, its prosperity—depends on working with others. It's a big, bold gambit. I hope it works. Yeah, sure.
Sarkozy is a meanie!
We live in the real world, not the virtual world. And the real world expects us to take decisions. President Obama dreams of a world without weapons … but right in front of us two countries are doing the exact opposite. ... President Obama, I support the Americans’ outstretched hand. But what did the international community gain from these offers of dialogue? Nothing.
You don't say.
You don't say.
Joys of socialized medicine
In London, NHS trusts have been told to divert more than half of the Accident and Emergency patients, and those seeing specialists, to cheaper "polyclinics" run by groups of GPs. Meanwhile, family doctors will be asked to speed up their consultations, reducing the average time per patient from 12 minutes to eight.
I can't wait till we have the same system in the US.
I can't wait till we have the same system in the US.
Pinko dream car

Buy, Pepe, buy. And let the stinking peasants pay for the Algore toy. It's one of those miracles of pinkoeconomics.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Day at the office at the UN

Deep thinking from the bench
"If the cow had the cognitive ability to form thought and speak, would it say, 'Where's the milk? I'm not getting any milk,' " Judge James J. Morley asked. Children, Morley said, seemed "comforted" when given pacifiers, but there's no way to know what bovine minds thought of Robert Melia Jr. substituting his member for a cow's teat. "They [children] enjoy the act of suckling," the judge said. "Cows may be of a different disposition."
A courageous conversation
If you write for the New York Times or teach race and gender studies at American colleges for long enough, it seems entirely reasonable, listening to a patient profess satisfaction with her present health insurance arrangements, to respond, “You know, if you re-sewed the back of that hospital gown so your ass wasn’t showing, your Klan sheet would be as good as new.”
Thursday, September 24, 2009
But hey, those were good universities
"The picture emerging from the White House is a disturbing one, of timidity, clumsiness and short-term calculation. Some say he is the weakest president since Jimmy Carter." Ach, so?
His motivating principle seems rooted in an analysis, common in his formative university years, that America has too often been on the side of the bad guys. The response has been to disrespect those who have been our friends and to bow to our enemies. What else? C'mon, Rot, you want obvious responses? That's too boring.
His motivating principle seems rooted in an analysis, common in his formative university years, that America has too often been on the side of the bad guys. The response has been to disrespect those who have been our friends and to bow to our enemies. What else? C'mon, Rot, you want obvious responses? That's too boring.
Palin known more about jet fighters than McCain!
Duhhh. With McCain gone gaga, that's pretty much trivial, no?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The full Pepe
The United States finds itself to the left of the United Nations and France on the question of acknowledging that Iran even has a nuclear-weapons program, which is quite an achievement.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Isaac Asimov smiles

Now that's a relief!
Involuntary irony: European officials say the Obama administration lacks focus because its top talent is wrapped up in the all-consuming debate over healthcare.
a great job,
Al Gore the Science Guy
Breitbart drops another hint

McChrystal End-arounds Obammy
...obtained by the Washington Post... I thought Deepthroat was dead.
But anyway, everyone knew we were surrendering everywhere by electing this moron. So what?
But anyway, everyone knew we were surrendering everywhere by electing this moron. So what?
Toesucker sees through it
Obama has pledged only to increase taxes on the rich. But his program essentially taxes the core of the middle class (those making $30,000 to $80,000). It will make them overpay in order to pick up the slack for others who need the extra coverage. In other words, health-care "reform" is a health-care tax dressed up as a program to cover the uninsured. Duhhh...
Barack Obama ready to slash US nuclear arsenal
How do you guys like this Guardian headline? Or this quote: But one official said: "Obama is now driving this process. He is saying these are the president's weapons, and he wants to look again at the doctrine and their role." Let's drink some ouzo.
New to the sidebar
Added Ace of Spades HQ. Saw it for the first time when Charles Johnson of LGF was whining that the media were unfair to poor, persecuted Van Jones. Ace tore him a new asshole. Now, Tecs has posted more interesting stuff from Ace on Breitbart's Round 2 and so I deem them worthy.
Celente Sees the Lay of Da One's Cards
Natch. There is No Right to Self-Defense In Pepeania.....
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Let's bail out the MSM
.. and make it a de jure State Press. Why stop at de facto, when you can go the full Pepe?
The Richter Klown Blitzers da MSM Wolf
The assistant comedian clobbers da Wolf.. And the Wolf claims to be the sharpest critter in the MSM menagerie. The Wolf is right.
Jesus born in Jerusalem? Hey, why not?
Jesus born in Jerusalem? Hey, why not?
Waiting for Andrew Breitbart to drop the other shoe
This piece contained the initial hint. Just flew by me at the time, but it's worth looking back at it:
Two more stories demonstrate how the Democrat-Media Complex, the natural alliance of the Democratic Party and the mainstream media, is more concerned with trying to figure out how to destroy Glenn Beck - "he's nuts!" - than to follow his methodical, accurate reporting. This dynamic - used against all potent critics and off-the-reservation journalists - shows that not only is the media ignoring all the negative things coming out about the Obama administration, it is acting like President Richard Nixon's henchmen, making life difficult for its whistleblowers. One of the stories is that ACORN, a massive radical organization, is poised to receive billions from the Obama "stimulus."
Two more stories demonstrate how the Democrat-Media Complex, the natural alliance of the Democratic Party and the mainstream media, is more concerned with trying to figure out how to destroy Glenn Beck - "he's nuts!" - than to follow his methodical, accurate reporting. This dynamic - used against all potent critics and off-the-reservation journalists - shows that not only is the media ignoring all the negative things coming out about the Obama administration, it is acting like President Richard Nixon's henchmen, making life difficult for its whistleblowers. One of the stories is that ACORN, a massive radical organization, is poised to receive billions from the Obama "stimulus."
Let's put a little turbine in Pepe's backyard

LMAO! He can't even get his own party to go along with him
Now he wants the whole world to follow him over the pinko cliff.
That's chutzpah.
Call later, Augustus.
That's chutzpah.
Call later, Augustus.
Brit laments
The President has effectively placed the fate of a vital element of his foreign policy in the hands of the Kremlin. That is a sorry pass for a superpower to reach.
No, no, no. It's Pepe's dream come true.
No, no, no. It's Pepe's dream come true.
Polish lament
The saddest thing is just seeing the anti-American groups in Europe, the same groups that some years ago shouted about American imperialism, have their moment of triumph. They also point out Poland, saying with satisfaction, "Look, the U.S. is pulling back - you and your policy lost". Yes, it's their time now.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Carter's Grima Whispers Into the Ear of the King: "We Must Stop Those Kike Warmongers, We Must Protect Our Friends the Mullahs"

"Is the fallout as bad if Israel preemptively strikes Iran?
Absolutely. That is the way, more importantly, how the Iranians would view it. They really can’t do much to the Israelis, despite all their bluster. The only thing they can do is unify themselves, especially nationalistically, to rally against us, and the mullahs might even think of it as a blessing.
How aggressive can Obama be in insisting to the Israelis that a military strike might be in America’s worst interest?
We are not exactly impotent little babies. They have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there and watch?
What if they fly over anyway?
Well, we have to be serious about denying them that right. That means a denial where you aren’t just saying it. If they fly over, you go up and confront them. They have the choice of turning back or not."
Putin just doesn't get it
"The president needs to convert his widespread popularity in much of the world into effectiveness in much of the world," said Jon B. Alterman, director of the Middle East program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "Leadership is not just telling people what you want. Leadership is getting people to do what you need them to do."
Obama in 09 or you're an anti-Semite
Most conservative protest signs confront tax dollars funding big government and big banks. Real Americans forced to save the moneylenders! Think Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" or William Jennings Bryan's anti-Semitic overtones, his frequent references to the House of Rothschild. Just as tellingly, Obama is caricatured as a socialist--a philosophy long pinned on Jews. "Spread the wealth around" is said to betray his inner Marxist.
More waves of racism coming from the VRWC
Goddamn, I hate M Savage, but Breitbart's got something new...
Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame.
We're now worse than the Italians, but Ralph Peters can see the bright side in a rhetorical question:
Will the Obama-Putin Act go down in history as the post-modern Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact?
REGURGE for comment thread exhumation.
Will the Obama-Putin Act go down in history as the post-modern Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact?
REGURGE for comment thread exhumation.
Pepe goes Mr Html
Only four out of 12 possible links on the site actually worked. Mr Hadjez, a property and board game entrepreneur, was paid 40,000 euros (£36,000) for the redesign and the bill was sent to Pierre Bergé, the partner of the late Yves Saint-Laurent, who has long bankrolled Miss Royal.
Great job, Pepe. Have some pink champagne on ice.
Great job, Pepe. Have some pink champagne on ice.
Friday, September 18, 2009
So do you guys think our kleine Ribbentrop will say anything?
Perhaps something like Mourir pour Dantzig?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Planet Pepe throws a parade

Clueless Charlie
Ah, but Gibson knows what the "Bush Doctrine" is, while Palin doesn't. Seethe, Rot, seethe.
The Murder in and the Damning Evidence from the Laboratory
This is absolutely tragic. The suspect in question is one of those losers who finds their way into academia, in this case as a Yale lab tech. How do so many socially inept and lunatic repressed individuals make it into university in the first place?
A question for the ages. Poor girl, and her fiancee, family and friends.
A question for the ages. Poor girl, and her fiancee, family and friends.
Capitulation as an art form
The U.S. will base its decision on a determination that Iran's long-range missile program has not progressed as rapidly as previously estimated, reducing the threat to the continental U.S. and major European capitals
To laugh, or to cry? I say, both.
To laugh, or to cry? I say, both.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Day Cards Monte

"Contrary to the belief of mainstream economists, economics is not a giant confidence game in which the government can fool enough people into feeling sufficient consumer confidence to generate a self-fulfilling prophecy of economic growth.......
The map is not the land. The statistics are not the economy. This is not a recovery; this is the false dawn that precedes the darkness."
The End of the Red Dawn...
See the title linked to Swayze's obit.
Below is a clip from one of his famouse FCP roles, and on that note I have heard that Soviet strategists determined an actual attack, take-over and occupation of America was, well, impossible. This conclusion reached after simply crunching the number of firearms in proportion to the population. I suppose the same could be said about a potential invasion of the U.S.S.R., a theroetically silly move as well. Anyhow, see below.
But it looks as though a remake is on the way.
Below is a clip from one of his famouse FCP roles, and on that note I have heard that Soviet strategists determined an actual attack, take-over and occupation of America was, well, impossible. This conclusion reached after simply crunching the number of firearms in proportion to the population. I suppose the same could be said about a potential invasion of the U.S.S.R., a theroetically silly move as well. Anyhow, see below.
But it looks as though a remake is on the way.
Team America Knows,
Monday, September 14, 2009
And again...
Now, it might've smacked of prejudice and the broad brush if O'Keefe and Giles had only got the ones in Baltimore to go alone. Then DC came. Now New York. Can we safely say that the broad brush was dead-on?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
...and twice...
Friday, September 11, 2009
How to conduct a poll!
First 'graf: Two out of three Americans who watched President Barack Obama's health care reform speech Wednesday night favor his health care plans — a 14-point gain among speech-watchers, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation national poll of people who tuned into Obama's address Wednesday night to a joint session of Congress.
Last 'graf: The sample of speech-watchers in this poll was 45 percent Democratic and 18 percent Republican. Our best estimate of the number of Democrats in the voting age population as a whole indicates that the sample is about 8-10 points more Democratic than the population as a whole.
Pretty good, eh? 45/(45+18) ~ 0.7 ~ 2/3 and the 37 left are about split.
Last 'graf: The sample of speech-watchers in this poll was 45 percent Democratic and 18 percent Republican. Our best estimate of the number of Democrats in the voting age population as a whole indicates that the sample is about 8-10 points more Democratic than the population as a whole.
Pretty good, eh? 45/(45+18) ~ 0.7 ~ 2/3 and the 37 left are about split.
It's all the neokkkons' fault!!!
Pepe wakes up, and comments on Kristol's piece, with iron-clad logic: well this is typical of a neocon. you use propaganda to destroy the debate regarding health care reform, then when your lies have reached a peak and you have the public opinion on your side, based on lies and deceit, and the president tries to set it straight, you do a 180 and say...oh what health care reform? we have wars (that you neocons started). typical propaganda lies (I guess global hegemony is your only doesn't matter to the neocons that people die needlessly in this country. the neocons are interested in one thing and one thing lie to the public to achieve their ideological agenda of global hegemony. They refuse to give democrats any wins, no matter how beneficial, because in the end, it will hurt the neocon cause of global domination.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
E pluribus, non unum
Pat is a crank nowadays -- that's for sure. But now and then the old Reaganite warhorse still stirs from the almost-complete idiocy in which he has sunk.
"YOU LIE!" and The Atlantic
This doesn't even rank up there with a mouse fart when contrasted with how the Brits do things in the House of Commons and Lords.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
What if SBJ Was One of Us?

"What if Mohammad had written the Gospel According to John Chapter 8 (Red letter edition)?:
3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,
4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, Kill the bitch! "
Yale didn’t have any grades
Here is [Van] Jones on his Yale Law Review education, a version of the Jason Blair post facto trashing of the New York Times: I was accepted to both places, and decided to go to Yale because Yale didn’t have any grades and was smaller than Harvard. I figured, once I enroll I’m guaranteed to graduate, so I can just go and be a radical hell raiser student, and they can’t do anything about it. Which is pretty much what happened.
I hadn't thought I would admire Harvard Law for the next 3 1/2 years. Silly me.
I hadn't thought I would admire Harvard Law for the next 3 1/2 years. Silly me.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Da Craven Mavens of New Haven
Solipsist, Egotist, Cult leader
...all this from a Dem, not some frothing Glenn Beck type. Impressive.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Run the presses!
Nanny State bans Thomas Edison
“But the downside is that the light isn’t as nice, and they are more expensive individually.” One bulb can cost €10, or $14 — or a lot more, depending on type — whereas traditional incandescent bulbs cost about 70 cents each. .. [In the US], incandescent bulbs are due to be phased out starting in 2012.
Pinkos hate capitalism, fish swim, birds fly

Another French Newsbabe, Mélissa Theuriau
Was getting tired of seeing Van Jones' thug mug everywhere. But now it's getting tough to decide between Theuriau, Marie Drucker, and Ilaria d'Amico.
All this time Tecs has been talking about how dumb Palin is
Now we officially have a Chicago-style racial thugocracy. Congratulations, chessmaster Tecs. You were three moves behind them.
Vision of things to come
All the old wisdom, the old reverence are going by the wayside, replaced by a brave new world in which we will be the same in spirit and outlook, committed to replace truth with orthodoxy, roughly equal in ability, neither successful nor failures, neither rich nor poor, nothing “exceptional” at all, mere happy cogs in the brotherly redistributive wheel—mouthing platitudes about diversity and being green, clueless as to their meaning, but clued in to the necessity of chanting such mantras. And given the President’s rhetoric, and the media as our new ministry of truth— we will be more or less happy idiots, as the old fades and the new absorbs us.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Pepe dreams of VJ
If we had no idea who Van Jones was and he walked into the room, our hearts would still begin to flutter. If we were on a beach, and Van Jones came strolling up to us, clad in board shorts and carrying two big salty margaritas, we'd take a big gulp and desperately hope that we don't wake up from our dream anytime soon.
Czary like a Pox
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