Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Charles Harvard Gibbs-Smith takes on Coanda

Your typical Rotter in a foul mood.


Mr roT said...

Order of the Dannebrog. WHat you get when you drink so much akvavit that you barf in Helsingør.

Tecumseh said...

Gibbs-Smith wrote about the controversy over Henri Coandă's early aircraft - the Coandă-1910 - which Coandă said was an early jet. Gibbs-Smith wrote that there was no injection of fuel ever considered for the aircraft, and countered Coandă's claims that the aircraft was an early jet, including that the pilot sat in the airstream directly aft of the turbine, and that it would have been suicidal to the pilot to attain combustion of the turbine-compressed air.

Typical Harvard seether. Coanda rulz! Hah.

Gibbs held belief in ghosts, flying saucers and parapsychology, beliefs which he stoutly defended among more sceptical colleagues.

Day at the office on Planet Rott.