Friday, October 01, 2010

CNN says someone is bought??


Tecumseh said...

Wet poodles hitting with wet noodles?

Mr roT said...

You in the Raman noodle mode, Tecs? I mean physics that you don't like is noodly and now Sanchez is sopa de fideo?

Tecumseh said...

Yep--I'm eating crappy food lately (like, sardines out of a can), I need some hearty food. Where is AA's bacalhau when I need it?

Mr roT said...

You just want to take my name in vain.

Tecumseh said...

Sanchez vs Stewart: more pinko crackup?

Tecumseh said...

Down the memory lane: Sanchez on ad-libbing, Iceland, and Hawaii.

Tecumseh said...

OK, let me guess: you fed Herr T the bottom bottom story of the day today, yes? My amazing deductive powers deserve an AB.

Mr roT said...

Wrong. Pay me a Stone IPA whenever you get around to inviting me there.

Tecumseh said...

Wrong? What do you mean, wrong? Of course I'm right. As always.

Mr roT said...

Just wrong as always. I mean, that Schweitzkopf is in the Annals.

Tecumseh said...

So was that politico from the Windy City.

Mr roT said...

All the more proof that you should pay up, Tecs.

Stone IPA.

Mr roT said...

Go drink it and gloat to the guy that's even wronger than you.

Ain't me though.

Tecumseh said...

Back to topic: Sanchez fired. Crackup continues.