Friday, October 08, 2010

How do you say RINO in Britspeak?

Hey, AA, are we going to hear more about this, and diss on der Rotter while quaffing beer and bacalhau?


Mr roT said...

Hope you guys enjoy your warm factory brew while taking my Name in vain.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Tecumseh, I'll e-mail tomorrow with details...but it looks like we're set for a grand Taking of the Rotter in Vain this Sunday.

Mr roT said...

Ungrateful creeps. Enjoy 4 more years of Deval Patrick.

Tecumseh said...

Actually, Charlie Baker called me up today! But, after a few seconds, I realized it was a stoopid tape, and I just hang up. You think he wanted to chat with me, or pump some money out of my pocket? No way, Josay. I'd rather save the cash for the libation on Sunday.

Mr roT said...

You'd rather have the pinkos take your money through the IRS.

Tecumseh said...

No. I'd rather spend it on booze than give my moolah to either Baker or Deval, or whoever.