Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Of course Tecs still will pull for Coons, no matter what


Tecumseh said...

Barone gorges on ouzo.

Tecumseh said...

Of course, Rot thinks the "I'm not a witch" ad is a stroke of genius, on a par with "I'm not a crook". Way to go.

The response from the bearded Marxist is predictable (duh): The problem is that most Delawareans want a Senator who is focused on jobs, not about whether she's a witch. How is that going to help a Delawarean looking for work, lacking health care, or trying to go to college?

Of course, the bearded Marxist is not gonna create a single damn job (oh, double duhh), just jabber about the dictatorship of the proletariat or whatever, but that's besides the point, ain't it?

Mr roT said...

Tecs, the invisible hand of Adam Smith helps pinkos every time...