Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Tecs and AA's brilliant hero teaches America about reasoned discourse

Fat asshole will get us a couple Dem senators this way.
Another Rovian moment in the same day. Rush wants Harry Reid.


Mr roT said...

Turns normals off, AA.

Mr roT said...

Swing voters. The ones that win elections. Most are milquetoasts of the annoying sort that actually voted for Hopey last time around.

Not wise to get them on Hopey's side again, now is it?

Arelcao Akleos said...

This election season cannot be won by letting Mr. Milquetoast lead the way. Rovean calculations are as useful now as Obamaklean appeasement is in our happy little tussle with Islam Militant. The major malfunction is obvious now, and what is needed is clarity on that issue--not the numbing lullabies of the Newport Voorhees set.
But, hey, they do serve a higher class of canape than no doubt the Tea Party guys are able to offer you.

Tecumseh said...

Herr Rot has this tendency to oscillate between populism and Voorheesism at a dizzying speed. One day he's all fired up for Palin or O'Donnell and pees on Rove for being a RINO or something, the next day he get all huffy about Brewer or Limbaugh or McCarthy being Honeckerian or Hitlerian or something.

Something about vapours?